"Just thinking about it is making me HUHUHUHUHU"
Congrats most relatable heroine 2021! Abigail is a hoot and a half.
And for once in a great while, a transmigration story in which the MC's real Past Earth Life and her skills will actually feature and probably be important throughout rather than being totally forgotten after the first three chapters. Nifty!
so do you just hang around by your fence, waiting to splash cute guys with the hose? excellent strategy, my friend...
OH NO you'd better come inside and TAkE oFF YouR WET SHirT QUicK before you get PNEUMONIA on this hot summer day
and the fact that he does this purely by accident *chef's kiss* a born natural
Yohan has the BEST expressions, his face just tells the whole damned story. He's got a unique stink-eye for every possible situation, my mans shows up PREPARED