Also, did you really ask for permission from the group? The group said that they will be back on 16 and said "please don't upload over us until then". So can you not or maybe do a better job? (Please don't take this the wrong way, I just can't comprehend how a group that says they'll be back allowed you to upload over them.. like?? Dafaq is that??)

Thanks for your hard work, but maybe let the original uploader upload.
I don't think they dropped this and it's rude to uploud over each other so yea.

Ohh really? sorry did not know! *facepalm* I read the chapter again and saw your message now upps.
I had problems loading all the pics on the chapter lol (and other mangas too) I just read it again after restarting my pc- Sorry, overexplaining me again haha
I just have a question, are you doing it alone? Because I had trouble to understand some sentences, maybe there would be someone to proofread everything^^

hi everyone
i will be dropping this story for a while i dont know how long as i have fallen into a state of depression and i am not sure i habe enough energy to translate this
it ends on chapter 120 so if anyone feels like uploading it feel free to do so
I'm sorry to hear that hope you will feel better thankq so much until now I also hope someone translate this again hope someone pick up anyway thankq so much