AAAAAAAAAAA These lchapters made me feel so many emotions >0< I like Ugetsu and he's not a bad person. I could also tell that he rly loved Kaji but they were no good together and moving on was the best. I am so happy that Kaji and Haruki are finally together <3 I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE ALL THIS IN THE ANIME AS WELL <3

I don't get why people are so damn triggered by this manga. I mean it is a poor plot that straight up underestimates our inteligence but reading it doesn't magically turns you into a rapist(yeah, I've read it in these comments)
>Fisrt of all this is not a realistic depiction of sexsomnia at all.
>Second, Chamin doesn't know he has sexsomnia but Dowan seems to also think Chamin is conscious so they're both in some huge yaoi cliche(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ misunderstanding for lack of basic communication.
> 3, This is the yaoi fictional realm. One that is hardly realistic in any aspect. If you are sensitive to things like this JUST DON'T READ IT and you'll be good.
much love to you allヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I get why ppl say it was rushed. It felt too short and made me crave for more but it was because it is just so good. I love the fact that it is short and the author chose to not make it long and tiring just going with the cliched misunderstandings that yaoi usually feeds us. I love it and I wish that there'd be more because I love it.

Why is everyone just assuming Kashiwagi's feelings are not sincere? '-'
I think Hotta is the one misunderstanding him. I think his feelings for Hotta are genuine he's just afraid of getting hurt because of that other senpai but it's pretty normal.
Hotta, on the other hand, just dates him because the girl he used to like, likes Kashiwagi and that "feels good" as he said a few times already.

Honestly, I dont find Hotta bad, cause he told Kashiwagi that he doesnt like him but he's willing to give the relationship a chance. So he never let him on, rather he is understanding of Kashiwagi's moves and tells him honestly when he is uncomfortable about anything which is a sign of good communication between any partners. Sure Hotta does say it feels good but he has never treated Kashiwagi like a show piece, he could have taken him to the party and hogged him to rub it in the girls face but he didnt, rather he feels guilty says I am a bad person for even feeling good. And if u go see the preview for the next chapter by the translation, Hotta clearly calmly asks him the things bothering him about Kashiwagi and how Kashiwagi responds is another story(not gonna say it since it might be a spoiler, go check the preview if you are interested). Anyways I think What Kashiwagi is lacking is just communication. If he just talks it out with Hotta, I think Hotta would calmly work out the best outcome with him. And we can all tell Hotta is falling for him though he hasnt come to understand it fully yet.

I wish she'd be stronger and, at least, accepting herself as a trans woman. There were just so many ways this story could've got better even if just so it doesn't pass a sorrowful message to trans people who end up reading it... but I think the author wanted to make one of those beautiful tragedies out of this one :'( I really have mixed feelings about this one. It's good, but just a little too sad for me

Yea, as a trans-person (ftm not mtf like the main character) it was certainly a painful read and kinda anxiety/dysphoria inducing..
Oh well, I've been following it for over a year now so I knew what I was getting myself into. I enjoy tragic, bitter-sweet stories but this one hit me in an uncomfortable spot oof.. very beautiful tho

It's not about being stronger or not.
There's people that simply don't find happiness at the end, no matter if they decide to be a trans, travesti or whatever.
As He said, He decided to live as a male by his own free will and that desition is totally ok. It's what brings him peace.
It won't be different for him if He changes himself.
We have to understand that no all people are the same, even if they have the same problems. And not all trans people are the same.
Ppl are so salty over a cliffhanger as if it is something new. The comic is great. Calm your tits y'all. Season 2 is coming soon