strawberrytoast created a topic of Backlight

I feel like I need to marinate this bc the past few chapters got me crying and ripping my hair out bit I literally can't do it I'm always tempted to read it

strawberrytoast created a topic of Black Chain

HELL no fuck him there's no redemption for this fucker what made him think that turning back time would be better than simply dying he never even loved her or thought of her it's so cruel, and now hasolan is even stuck with him forever bc he wants it that way?

strawberrytoast created a topic of 1995 Youth Report

daehan MY SHAYLAAAAA he's so nice it breaks my heart

strawberrytoast created a topic of Backlight

I need seoin to be happy so bad he hasn't had a good day in his LIFE I fell to my knees please heal and communicate properly w yeongwoon

strawberrytoast created a topic of Man With Ghosts

I need them both doggy train style so bad

strawberrytoast created a topic of Fate Mate

I'd be tweaking out of my mind if I were in the same situation as junhoo

strawberrytoast created a topic of Play Karma

eating lipstick I can get behind but this was too much lmfaooo I'll be dropping this bc it doesn't seem like it'll get any more interesting

I'm ngl the story was dogshit but jichan bro.. my dick stood up on it's own I can't help it he's so hot

oh that last panel bulged ME up this cliffhanger is criminal

strawberrytoast created a topic of Play Karma

is her stupid ass going to go meet niall behind lucien's back god free those sisters from stupidity

strawberrytoast created a topic of Flashlight

had the knee-jerk reaction to thank God right after this chapter. I'm an atheist.

strawberrytoast created a topic of Flashlight


strawberrytoast created a topic of Sugar Trap

the miscommunication makes my head hurt but it all balances out bc the smut is so good my imaginary dick hurts too

strawberrytoast created a topic of Black Chain

when I saw his face in despair I giggled a bit I hope hasolan keeps making him miserable

strawberrytoast created a topic of Sugar Trap

when I thought my jaw couldn't drop more I read the last couple panels jesus fucking christ he's a FREAK (in a good way)(it's so hot oh my god)

strawberrytoast created a topic of Between Us Now

is the prostate on the wrong side or am I tripping

strawberrytoast created a topic of Black Chain

I really don't understand the male lead lol. we've been given no reason for his behavior bc if it all was truly for the empire he would not humilliate someone important like that in front of the nobles by ripping up her embroidery ??? what's his reasoning? just 'denying fate' ? that is not nearly enough to explain his behavior bro he treated her like she was an opp rather than an ally

he's dug his own grave many times before but this one time. he's absolutely cooked