bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Swallow You Whole

The panel when hugged his chest mesmerized me

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Guiding Hazard

The neck smooch rlly got me

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Salvation Spirit

Han Gyul is soo weakk grow a backbone bruh(he lowkey real for that ngl)

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Jinx
bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Salvation Spirit

Finally we're getting there

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Driver's High

So wholesome, heartwarming, and freakyyy

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Toxin
bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Jinx

Move away Jaekyung it's my turn

You can't just expect someone to sleep immediately after saying those things lmao

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Salvation Spirit

Omg SHUT THE FUCK UP THAT WAS SO PATHETIC like please just stopppp someone pls spoil does this get any better

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Private Call

His dad fiiiiiiinnneee

I just read chap 1 and skipped to chapter 57 lol I'm so glad I didn't invest my time to this

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Piercing Stab

This was even more gruesome in the novel

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Toxin

I like this pair better cuz they yearn for each other. Toxic overbearing MLs are boring cuz you can literally find it EVERYWHERE it's so overrated. Please author just let us have this one