Awwwwwww shits gonna hit the fan
He can literally refuse to do it when he's coming onto him he's actually like Dan has him at fucking gunpoint or a knife to his fucking throat
Hasn't moved from chapter 90 in SO long
And here I thought we got a whole buffet today
U can tell that thing in the last chapter is bad news ugh
Immoral relationship one way to put it
I bet his cards gonna decline in the next chapter again
WHY I read the comments I existed that last chapter all happy that they met a bit before but now I wanna cry my eyes out and stop reading this I thought everything was gonna go well and shit wasn't ACTUALLY gonna hit the fan my mistake
Forceful god this isn't how it's supposed to go ur just doing the same thing that piece of shit did WHYYYYYYYYY
I was hard straight through that s shit 10/10 I wish it was kinda longer though ME WHEN ??? anyway
Awwwwwww shits gonna hit the fan