Sure. I'm 14 and a British girl. Dont have a phone atm so I can't text my url friends :/. I'll make a new insta. Probs go on the line of @JustPassingBy reply
Im kinda new to the website (I've been using it for about 2 months and only noticed that there's posts and shiz) but I barely ever see weird ass posts. Do we not all see the same ones? reply
A non-cute uwu uke? The guy from 'Legs that don't walk' -smth like that. Honestly I hate cute, sassy and annoying ukes. They're so screech-y and their choices and reasons to get upset are soo immature. Like, I thought you were 32? Then you got the big tsundere Top who is too full of himself and calls his "mother not liking him" a traumatic backstor...... 2 reply
Lez gooooo. (If we do) we will raise our children to be very accepting! Skin, race, religion, ethnicity or beliefs, they don't give two shits. If you have a good heart then you are loved. reply
Honestly I would call myself a fujoshi because I prefer yaoi than yuri and straight stories. I don't like "animated yaoi"/ hentai, I don't ship irl guys and I dislike any type of porn. But I also read like 4 yaois a month and in my whole life I think I've read like 28-40 (I'm 14 btw). I usually skip the sex scenes since I really just like the plot the most.