JustPassingBy answered question about have an unpopular opinion
A non-cute uwu uke? The guy from 'Legs that don't walk' -smth like that. Honestly I hate cute, sassy and annoying ukes. They're so screech-y and their choices and reasons to get upset are soo immature. Like, I thought you were 32? Then you got the big tsundere Top who is too full of himself and calls his "mother not liking him" a traumatic backstor......
JustPassingBy answered question about get to know you
Lez gooooo. (If we do) we will raise our children to be very accepting! Skin, race, religion, ethnicity or beliefs, they don't give two shits. If you have a good heart then you are loved.
JustPassingBy answered question about want to have fudanshi bf
I got 128. 2 away from being a GENIUS. In 30 years I'll be the one in your child's textbook