Aw... this art style is gorgeous. <3 The story line is for the most part cliche and rough within the meaning of describing setting of the story but the concept of acting mad to survive sincerely surprised me. The mc has a plus point to be able thinking like that. Not everyone would consider this option. I'm looking forward to see what in particular is mc planning for her survival and hope for proper character development that is lacking in the most of similar works.
Oh, well, now I read 2nd and 3rd chap and I'm seriously thinking what exactly is the mc up to. She put that act just because she wants to run away when the candidate for the throne is determinate? Why wouldn't she do so sooner? And what's up with the endangering herself to the extend of putting her life at the stake. She could kill herself right away when she was planning to do something that dangerous without no grander gain in exchange. Oh, I wish they'll clear her purpose in the further chapters. And also I can't imagine myself acting like madman while in those scary and dangerous situations. I guess it saved her many times but also I can imagine how the act may specially provoke someone to stab her... And oh, man, that muscular dude with name that begins with R is friggin perceptive. I like him.

Oh, gosh. This is so good... their expressions were so accurate and so hilarious I was almost crying while watching it. Ya! Punch them in da face, sis! Nobody deserves you. You don't have to deal with these jerks. You have my full support, just run off to the rainbow land and enjoy your life to the fullest with the cutest of unicorns and magical butterflies!~ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Flip this hellish plot over if you like to!! My badass girl with shitty people around her her whole life... I would do anything to help you out from this unfortunate tragedy... I didn't really expect the system to play her so much. I never thought it would help her to the extent of moving her body to actually do the quest instead of her. I'm glad on the one hand since she managed to avoid the death but on the other hand I'm confused and distrustful since it never helped mc in this way or actually in any other way. What's up with the system? Did mc accumulate some favourable points so it provided a reward or is this event labelled as a free-win or what? Will it give the mc some penalties subsequently? I'm curious about the reason. Still I love this so much. I can wait like years for this story if the quality doesn't stagger...

I don't know what all of you have against Rosie. She's just like any other girl. Author drawed her from real life. Girls like this exist and there is not just a few of them in the world. Yes, what she do is wrong. Neverthless, I can't happen to understand these exaggerated comments of hatred like she should die and she's such a filthy bitch. In my opinion there's much more villains that are actually far more rotten, vicious and dangerous...

i guess the author did well portraying her “character” novels/manga/webtoons reader reactions are just the same with dramas, they tend to be emotional (even screaming when something bad happened or pissed them off) because that’s what they feel reading/watching a certain scenes. You can’t blame them but of course yeah some may be too emotional and says mean/rude words but that just how things go i guess it really depends on the person who’s into the story u cant control their feelings

Pretty sure "any other girl" wouldn't force a man to sleep with her aka rape :) idk how you can defend her with "she's just like any other girl" NO SHE'S NOT LMAO WHAT TF or "well there's worse villains" tf again so what if there is? That doesn't make anything she does okay? Or have any reasoning behind it she does nothing good ever in the story and you liking her even just a bit is concerning

Excuse me, why being so passive aggressive. I already wrote it is just my opinion. I don't know for what monster do you have me for but let me make this clear - Firstly, don't be rude. You're judging someone being not perfect either. Secondly, tell me, does "KILL HER SHE'S SO FUCKING HORRIBLE LET HER JUSTDIE!!!" change anything about it? Wouldn't be better to think about how we can help these people who were "molded" to actually do these kind of unmoral things? As I said before, there is a reason for people to act like they act. Thank you for your kind words.

It's not passive aggressive it was just aggressive :) you defending Rosie is concerning you're using the excuse of " she's like any other girl" HUH!? that makes zero sense you have no genuine reasoning she's rotten to the core also using "she was raised that way' is not a reason of defending her it's not like she's a child who can't think or act for herself anymore either especially when our mc was raised in the same environment and she never acted that way even before turning back time Ntm when Rosie tried to take off his blindfold that was all her she was going to rape him out of jealousy towards her sister these type of people don't get forgiveness for their actions when they don't try to change and the only reason she does change in the story is because she gets her memories back and she was saving her OWN SKIN that's not changing that's just fear of death she's always going to be rotten so you defending her or being like "well there's worse villains" isn't helping her case at all not like you could anyways buuuut your reasoning makes me hate her more

Oh my dear children. Listen to yourself. You're no better from her. You want to kill her either. What is the difference between you? What exactly is wrong with me and my opinion? It isn't the same as yours? Please, tell me. I want to know why I am the target of your witchhunt. Let's step out from the issue of webtoon for a moment. I see some greater problem here. It is not okay for someone to constantly insult someone else. For me, you are the perfect fit for the villainess of any novel. Shallow and daringly presumptuous, desiring to fill their own ego above every other thing. Protecting their pride by spitting poison all around them. I hope you're happy. I made some cool personal aesthetic for you.

Your opinion was fucking stupid end of story xD
Oh god, to try to compare real life people to a fictional character who killed and almost raped someone you see how dumb your logic is?
You question why people hunt you down i see you commenting unprovoked in others comments to defend that bitch xD don't do "owo why y'all so mean" when you're the one asking for it xD i get that everyone has an opinion and believe it or not i respect even ones as stupid as yours, it's just unwanted bruh, if your that sensitive try not commenting at all would you? Sometimes it's better to shup :0

Exactly. Fictional character. Based on all of your reactions I get the feeling like she is not fictional anymore.
Same concept applies here. You have desire to kill her fictionaly and she killed someone in fiction. You said you would burn her if it was possible or were those just plain words? Why are you spouting these words like it's nothing. Thoughts lead to actions. So choose your thoughts wisely.
I can't understand how did I provoke you to speak to me like this. I wrote my opinion just like you did. Despite I wasn't declaring I want to kill someone.
And last but not least - Who are you to mark someone else's opinion as stupid? And please don't call me bruh, understood? What am I to you?
Despite I'm sensitive I still want to speak up for what I find worth of speaking about.

Bruh and who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? XD you're allowed to call us a that cringe ass "oh my dear children" and you get triggered by a bruh?
It's not my fault you perceive our comments as "not fictional anymore" that's YOUR problem not ours. Speak up for what you want yet you fucking tell me what to say? The contradictions are sending me.
You should probably just ignore my comment for all i care just stop being a hypocrite xD
You sound like a genuinely nice person but your big ego to want to push your narrative is what causes many to hate on you.

Those are basic manners which are very important in my homeland. As you are so respecting as you claim, it should be no problem to respect this as well. My dear child, I addressed you like this since I assumed from your attitude that you're quite young. I apologize if I offended you. I have no problem with perceiving your comments as nonfictional. When did I said that? Hm, and it's not like I want to push my narration. It's just you're exceedingly rude to me. So I want to defend myself and my opinion. Your thought about respecting opinions of others is quite different from mine. I'll grant your wish and stop talking back to you. I see no meaning in it.

Your opinion is not the same :) you are defending a murderer and a rapist (saying this because Rosie most likely did rape him in the past) by saying oh "she's just like any girl the author drew her from real life" that logic has no sense behind it and you sound stupid asf NTM all of your replies haven't even addressed the problems we're talking about in your main comment you're just getting defensive and calling us the villains because we don't like her and we want her to die even though she's scum of the Earth yeah no our opinions are not the same you are defending a murderer and not only a murderer but someone who killed their own family for their own gain and raped a man against his will then you think it's okay to defend that? Nah there's something wrong with you that you need to look into cause that's not okay it's concerning thinking about what got you here to this point making you think anything she's done is okay to defend even if you say "oh I disagree" or "I don't think it's right for her to do those things" you're STILL defending her of those things

Oh my, when did it get so intimate? I'm melting... <3 It seems like how this story proceeds it becomes much more wholesome and mature. I really love this development and the relationship between these two. I like that kind of rational basis of their love and how they support each other without expecting anything in return and that space they save for each other... I can sense their mutual understanding this far away.~ I really hope it will last.
I'm kind of confused about Mildred and Daniel.
1st what was that Daniel did that was so unforgivable/so worth of Mildred feeling angry with him except of not telling her about the background information he had on her troublesome case/jigsaw sooner?
As she said herself, she was probably miserable to get into contract with higher forces. And she never felt like returning back from where she came.
2nd I get the vibes "step on me" from Daniel. And I don't like it.
Why would he turn from nice supporting character into Casey no. 2? It was nice of him that he formerly gave Mildred some space to actually contribute to her own happiness, to let her try and grow... but it has all gone now. I'm a bit disappointed but still impressed it did not happen sooner... at least not at this scale.
3rd so he can do magic. But just for others or what? Since he is half-fairy I suppose he has not the whole capability of granting wishes or doing magic. I got the impression that protection and magic is essentially the same thing and one needs to feel a huge load of desperation to get his attention and than maybe have their wishes granted but it seems my impression was wrong. He says he will do anything for Mildred and he even heals prince on demand (I don't remember his name). So as long as it is for others, he can do anything? They only have to feel a slight feeling of need? I didn't notice in the story that he manifested anything for himself ever... but I didn't focus on that matter either. I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HIS POWERS! So I can judge if and how he could contribute to the society so far. I need to know this! I need to know if he's been granting wishes to a few elected or what...
And I appreciate that Lily was honest with Casey and told him bluntly what is wrong with the marriage on her side.
But girl... I know he is supposed to be handsome but... he didn't even say he will try to adapt to your vision of a good life. Not that it would change anything because actions speak louder than words. :D
I can understand that it's tempting to hear those words from masculine, protective figure that did not mock you for having unreasonable or unattainable dreams and visions, I think... Especially in this setting of story.
Ashley is cute and clueless but eager! I can feel the little flame that is burning within her, ready to ignite new, great experiences, views and opportunities! This girl has so much potential in my eyes and ... my thought train departed and went too far away... I don't remember what I wanted to say. Whatever. Fingers crossed in hope of fine character development and setting with as little plot holes as possible!
Mildred could also question the validity of her feelings. Like if there is some force interfering with her thoughts and emotions as with the "Cinderella" plot that was supposedly planted in her brain. This could be why she required some distance from someone involved with protection/fairy blessing or simply needed just time for herself to process the information she learned.
But author could better convey her standing to us.
Why it is not written clearly so we don't have to take guesses.
I might be wrong since I didn't reread to analyze this deeply
Current Mildred was pulled from her world to theirs + had her memories removed because Daniel did not step in as the moderator of Bella's Protection
What Daniel is saying is that if he took up the role of being a moderator earlier, he COULD'VE prevented Mildred's transmigration and solved the OG!Mildred's problem w/o it
The problem with the current situation is that, we don't know if Current Mildred had a choice in the matter. There's a high chance that the Blessing took her by force & essentially erased her original identity w/o her consent -> taking away her personal autonomy (w/c is a great wrong, in my opinion)
Also her deep despair in the OG!World doesn't necessarily mean she'll want to slowly erase who she originally was (w/c the Blessing might've done on their own to smoothen the transition -> no one's entirely sure yet at this pt)
I don't think it's permanent.
For me, he's acting that way coz he feel deeply sorry and apologetic (rightfully so) for the consequences of his willful negligence and is trying to make it up to Mildred as much as he can.
I'm not sure as well :))
My head canon is, he's either subject to the law of causality or it's just not in their nature as fairies to deeply involve themselves in how society is run and/or can and will only perform big miracles if there's a VERY deep wish attached to it