I really love this series. Kyo and the others are just too cute. especially those fluff balls, the celestial beasts the angels have to take when they are going to earth. i really hope there will be a squeal to this series. (▰˘◡˘▰)
I want to know what trail Kyo have to take to become an arch angel or how he like after he become arch angel, and what Lorein do after he retire as arch angel and become one of the seven angel for real. XD ヾ(☆▽☆)

I really loved this series. I have read the novel that have been translated into English. it's totally worth it. For those who want to read the novel you can go
http://btranslation.blogspot.com/links.html or
just yoaiotaku.com in forum type in the fyjt name and they will link where you need to go. But make sure you are a member to yaoiotaku or you won't able to read it. it's free so it's ok

http://bltranslation.blogspot.com/p/links.html for update.
Yei fai's grandfather call ice emperor oppa is so funny.(≧∀≦) In Korea only girls call older boys oppa. The boys say Hyung to older boys I wonder what he like in crossdressing. . Read manga scan guys should know better. This is the reason why I say their translation is confusing sometimes. (︶︿︶)=凸
This is Chinese tho if im not mistaken so oppa and hyung arent fitting anyways.I thing they just used oppa cause the manwha are more well spread than the manhua and the actual chinese honorifics as to show the "lil sis" is talkin to "her" big bro.
In that case wouldn't he call ice emperor 'da ge'= older brother ininstead? I'm Chinese myself. I know what I'm saying.
But a man call another man oppa is just too funny
Have I brandfarther not ya fei herself. Read the message correctly please.
Ya fai's grandfarther the head of the clan. not yafei herself please read the message correctly.
Wow, I just noticed that mistake (≧∀≦)
Although in the raws they actually really did use oppa
LOL even so they should change it to Da-ge= to big brother. It's too creepy lol