2020-07-25 15:57 marked

Just imagine that being in the worse moment of your life, people don't see you as yourself but as a good opportunity.
You're literally broken inside and your mental isn't good at all.
And suddenly, a beautiful fairy come to love you for who you are and not what you own.
She's the only one you can talk to and she always listen to you, of course you would depend only on her as if she's the only thing that maintains you alive.
You're ready to give your all for her, listen to all she have to say and become an asshole only for her too.
And now, you're discovered that in reality, the beautiful fairy was in reality an ugly witch, who wear a mask when she was with you.
The only only one who you think that was pure and innocent was in truth a greedy bitch.
She didn't listen to you, but she tried to isolate you.
She wasn't bullied, she bullied other.
She manipulate you all these years and you discover it from someone else mouth.
And from the mouth of someone who you were supposed to hate because she was supposed to bullied your beloved.
He was blind by love, the only person that he thought that he can relied on wasn't the one that he think they were.
His whole world would just collapse like a mere castle of sands..
And if we can say that he was in depression when he met the bitch, of course that he would be easily manipulated by her..
Imagine finding the only light of your darkness and she turn out to be a mosquito killer and ya were the mosquito.
ANYWAY why hating a child who's been manipulate at a vulnerable time of his life ?
Did you put yourself in his shoes ?
He didn't even mistreat our FL.
He didn't even want a wife to begin with, he was only happy with his bitch right ?
It was more like that he didn't have a chance.
He even warn her that he's not going to love her, so that mean that he isn't a cheating bastard.
2020-05-05 18:50 marked
2020-05-05 03:43 marked
2019-02-16 14:32 marked
2019-01-25 19:45 marked
2019-01-16 09:43 marked
2018-11-12 09:58 marked
2018-10-25 00:08 marked
Honestly I wasn't all to shock, I knew full well what it was going to lead up to. I took anatomy classes pretty early and knew how gay sex would work out (P.S: Bruh, legit though, the butt hole was made for the dick, trust. The hole is in the shape of it!) although it did take some getting use to. I wasn't hardened so much that I didn't flinch a bi......
2017-02-21 11:10 marked
Can't get over