Oh no bae this ain’t gonna work. He’s the one who ASKED for a younger sister who he could love. He’s the one who “said” he’ll protect her. Uhm soo my question is when were you gonna do all the things you’ve said? mhmm what a great older brother you are. You had SOO many chances to give her all the love and affection she needed but you never actually tried. I’m honestly disappointed. Same goes with the rest of the family members. I’m embarrassed and disappointed for the 3 of them.

AHHH OMG THIS IS SO CUTE! I’m curious how the dad reacted when he found out his daughter committed suicide in her “past life” (if that’s what it’s called).

Here I asked the same queszion: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/10781263/

Major Spoilers for first life read at your own risk-
Regis has always really loved his daughter and always wanted to protect her and because of this the emperor used her against him which caused her dad to stay away from her to keep her safe.
In Juvel’s 1st life the reason Max came to where she was prisoned was because Regis told him if he helps juvel he will help him in taking the throne, the sword regis gave juvel was to protect her (it was some protection relic thing) but she took it the wrong way and killed herself. After that regis went crazy and destroyed the whole empire and killed everyone in revenge. So in this timeline he will get a nightmare of his memories in 1st life and vows to not repeat that tragedy.

Awesome.. That what I wanted to know.. But if he liked and cared for his daughter why didn't he say or show it.. Like even small thinks make anyone even his daughter to think he don't like her.. Like even when he mentioned the shadow room.. Did he expect she would protect herself but yet he mentioned it when it's naturally one think to kill oneself especially its a place for criminals.. .. Like it's the shadow room anything can happen.. He should have told her to keep the sword to protect herself but he didn't.. I can't wait to see the part where he fix his attitude and tell her he cares about her.

I think there might be another reason or just that's his character to not say things but just be quiet when caring about someone.. Because the emperor already knows Juvy is Regis weakness so him acting cold won't change anything.. I'm hoping the author would draw another sideline story what happens after she killed herself even though the story stopped because a major character like her died... Gosh this is just too good this manhwa..

.spoilers I think
He can’t show affection towards her because he can’t have the emperor noticing and I’m not sure he knows Regis actually care for the daughter, and I read that later he gets nightmares about the event that happened in their past life’s(?) so he decides to change that and starts to openly be with her to show that he do love her

I’m rooting for Sugi but Sugi gives me second male lead vibes idk it’s probably just me. I really do hope sugi gets with her because I don’t really vibe with her “teacher”. But then again I do think her teacher is kinda the ML I have no idea man, I have this feeling if the both of them confessed to her she’ll just go to her teacher instead of sugi.
Anyways this was a good series even though it is discontinued and we’ll never know whom she’ll end up with that’s besides the point though, I definitely loved this series!

While he does give those vibes I strongly believe he ends up pulling through. While 1ML seems to be pushed that he’s end game possibly, I think he does see the FL as someone fragile to protect and sorta respects 2ML to do that. So I believe in the end she’ll eventually figure out her feelings and would end up with Sugi while having 1ML at her side as a protector/brother figure. It sucks cause I would have loved to see this through where perhaps the 2ML actually gets the girl, but now it’s sorta left to our interpretations

Ugh I hate the fact that he didn’t clear up all the misunderstandings she had. He had a chance but he didn’t take it. That frustrates me, she told him how she felt but he just stayed silent. He could’ve said something like “I DO LOVE YOU!” Something like that but he didn’t. I have never wanted to punch someone so hard in the face for doing something so stupid. (Ofc the MC too I can’t forget about her)

AHHEHSHSNEJEI LET ME EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR NOAH OMG PLEASE HES PERFECT! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM (•////•) ARUGHSUDHD AROOGAAAA (sorry raeliana but I’m in LOVE with your mans :( he’s just so amazing he’s even got me falling for him) I would drop all of the ML’s for Noah in a heart beat idc idc. (And when I mean ML’s I mean like every single ML in romance fantasy manhwa.)

Ugh literally what is this. That so called “husband” of hers isn’t even a man, he’s a immature boy. Ugh AND he’s a pain in the ass, girl get rid of him he ain’t worth it hes literally the definition of TRASH. And his childhood friend or whatever the thing he calls an “angel” is so annoying I wanna punch her. I don’t get why he married our beautiful and amazing MC because he seems pretty in love with that thing he calls “angel”. OHHH AND SPEAKING OF THAT THING HE CALLS AN “angel” SHE IS SO MF ANNOYING I WANNA SMACK HER SO HARD BECAUSE SHE THINKS SHES ALL THAT GIRL THATS WHY YOUR IN A WHEEL CHAIR DONT GET AHEAD OF YOURSELF CAUSE IF I WAS IN THIS MANGA YOU WOULDVE BEEN IN A WAY WORSE STATE. Anyways our MC’s childhood best friend deserves our MC more than her so called “husband”. Y’all in my opinion her childhood bestie is WAYYYYY more fit with the MC and if they don’t end up together idk what I’ll do.
Ugh men