im so tired of authors creating characters that obviously exist to be hated and drive sympathy for the mc. like that assistant has absolutely no depth as a charcater, hes just the typical ,feminine-like (often referred as twink) gay man whose only reason of existence is to mess up the main relationship written into bl stories. the indirect misogyny in bl stories is so funny to see considering the author and majority of readers are women. and u cant even escape from this archetype in shoujo where we have shallow,lazy,misogynist charcaters like rashta. people are not that simple/easily defined, im not saying assholes dont exist in real life but if ur going to write one at least make it realistic.
your complaint was about his character not having depth if you want his character to have depth go tell the author to give him a backstory or some shit thats my point. a couple of his thought bubbles being shown isnt the same as portraying his actual perspective. things as simple thought bubbles are almost never written with depth in comics idk what your ass expected
damn well maybe you are but idiotic actions don't make you a complete idiot i just think certain people need to consider the fact that just because you think something is "bad" (no one called it bad but replace that w like any other adjective) doesn't make it true everyone has different standards and perspectives
the assumption that a character was created to be hated (author might not view it that way), the claim the certain characters lack depth which is subjective since not everyone views "depth" the same way, the assumption that the majority of the readers are women which COULD be true, but there is literally no proof to this whatsoever and a lot of male bl readers on social platforms have discussed that they don't feel comfortable sharing that they read bl due to women fetishizing them for it, the idea that the authors portrayal of the "twink" character is unrealistic is extremely subjective as if they've met every person in the world and an "asshole" character thats portrayed the way he is can't possibly exist in real life etc
i wouldn’t say his character was meant to be made well though, however if that’s how you think of it, then whatever. i genuinely don’t understand your point still how are you taking it so factual? isn’t an opinion meant to be a statement on what you perceive as? “ rice taste better than salad “, it isn’t a factual statement, it’s clearly an opinion based response, which can go for what they said too.
the only point you’ve made so far that i can understand is the one about women reading bl, but other than that, im lost. the op commented this from their personal perspective on how realism can define a character, it can absolutely go both ways. there is no right answer to it, but there’s no wrong one either. do people like that exist? maybe. maybe not. it’s not like we can look into every person in the world and make a response — ( agreeing ) there is no evidence on either side so for them to make a factual statement would be impossible, it’s very clearly opinionated..a different word choice might’ve shown that, but i think you’re looking way too deep into it twin
i love seunghees depiction as a victim of grooming,hes not the typical,benevolent,capable of no bad victim often portrayed in media.Victims of grooming are often much more complex than that. seunghee is flawed;hes aware of the grooming,he asks the blond guy to have sex with him knowing its wrong,he gets angry at people trying to help him,he get angry at people in general,he doesnt always do whats best for him or those around him,he rejects advice, he hangs around websites full of pedos and gives in to their requests to meet them in real life to then do it all again,he makes stupid mistakes,hes petty,its all so human. the author never attempts to justify the pedophelia or present seunghee as responsible for blondie’s advances . seunghee persues older men as a way of coping for the lack of parental and familial love in his home,especially paternal love due to his dad abandoning him. he struggles to understand the difference between parental and sexual love leading him to get himself entangled into dangerous situations. i could write a whole essay exploring his cross dressing, his sexuality and its participation into him not being able to seek help like other heterosexual,non crossing dressing victims can.
never have i so badly wanted to jump in a manhwa and beat someones ass but this fucker of a father brings new mysterious emotions out of me