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Fawn created a topic of Who is a sweet cheater?

I read the raws. I dont think the smokin hot brother is originally homophobic. When he and the uke met again in that park he called him 'a slut who sleep with OTHER guys'. That 'other' got me thinking if its hinting at a feeling of hurt from betrayal. From what I inferred from the (much, much) later chapters, he doted on the uke a lot and seemed to have feelings for him but didnt really recognize them and was prolly in denial. But then this two-faced scumbag mf who had sex with the uke came telling him how much of a slut the uke was and that he had feelings for him. The bro's image of the cutesy uke got shattered right at that moment and, now believing the uke to be a slut, he instantly felt repulsed by the uke having feelings for him, which he thought were ingenunie and that he only wanted to sleep with him, causing him to be homophobic. I doubt he'd have had the same reactions about the uke crushing on him if he hadn't been told that the uke was a mendacious slut, which he wasn't.