Looking for a oneshot I read years ago on another website, so I'm not even sure its om mangago. I remember clearly it was a long oneshot, maybe 80-90 pages.
My memory is a little sketchy, but I will try to describe it. Spoilerfree description: A girl wakes up in the hospital to see a young man beside her bed. He identifies himself as her uncle and guardian. She is told her parents and boyfriend are gone and he quickly take her home with him to recuperate.
Some time ago I was reading a horror in which the maincharacter against his wills gets pulled into saving a drunk man from being run over by a train, while the man is saved, our MC along withanother person seemingly dies (sort off??) as the two instead are transported into a room along with other characters who should have died.
So is there someone who can remember a manga like that?
Is it Gantz?
So 6,4 feet are 1,93 meters. 3 of my brothers and my uncle are over 1,9 meter. I would like for us to walk around Japan and let them be amazed by their height. The neighbour in the manga are 5,5 (1,67 m) and I, a woman are 1,74 meters. I googled what the average height are in my country. The average height for women are 1,67 meter, the same height as the neighbour :)
I’m jealous of your height. Mine is 1,58m I’m quite tall compare to others bc the average height for women in my country are 1,53m (lmao we’re MIDGETS) but i still wanted to be part of the 1,60m and above tall women