Tryna draw that dude on Chainsaw man- Angel Devil. I got lazy because the hair color is inaccurate, don't know when I'll finish it. (I hope the photo got added, idk how to use this shi) 3 reply
Am I the only one who wants to rant about how shitty their life is but then realizing something. Like art, you're drawings things then judge yourself halfway through it then realizing how insignificance your shit is and there's no point of telling somebody because I'm my own therapist at this point, reply
I'm also tryna know how too– you're lucky to have your past classmates. It's already the end of our school year and I still don't know any of my classmates and teachers and they probably already forgotten about my existence reply
Dude. I'm a thirteen year old free loader. Where am I suppose to get money from?
Mostly people in this website are broke students ofc many people won't be able to afford that dem coins. Yeah, I get your point but we have our reasons too. reply