posing in bondage created a topic of WindBreaker

Chat is this good I keep seeing it

The implications of putting her in a cell with men that was almost drugged if it wasn't for the blondie, it's fucking disgusting. I genuinely hope the princess gets killed in the most brutal way possible

posing in bondage created a topic of Sakamoto Days

Its so weird seeing fully skinny Sakamoto doing shit other than fighting

posing in bondage created a topic of Secret Lady


Was marinating this because I love the art style but then the comments convinced me the mc is a flipping dumb bitch

posing in bondage created a topic of Secret Lady

I can't let y'all drop a reincarnation manhwa where the story actually depicts a nearly accurate representation of how people dress in the timeline their in dawg

Definitely my biggest complain is how ass the pacing of the story is

posing in bondage created a topic of Secret Lady

That story of how the kingdom came about WAS SO FUCKING LONGG have to skip most of the chapts jesus. Hot take but I like what's happening currently, even if it's confusing

If this manga ever gets dropped because of the tax evasion I might actually eat a bunch of almonds to get cyanide poisoning

I love how greatly written the story is. Its so unique compared to other royalty manwhas

Idk who Ravi is but someone said that the butler is hot so!

You know it's a good series if it also made you reconsider you moral.compass HELPPP and thank youuu to the translators!!!!

They always fight how considering how much communication they have is amazing

posing in bondage asked a question

Someone should recommend some cute manwha m/f WHERE THE COUPLE IS CUTE!! It's just a feel good work with romantic tension


The fuck??? There's definitely chapters and panels missing no way 86 started with bitch red asking her to dance!!!