my friend reccomended this to me!! i adored it at the beginning! the beginning was so amazing and i just could not stop reading it! but is this even smut anymore? is it even romance? all i wanted was for noah and nayeon to get together since the beginning and ust live out a simple life and tae hoon like having a "redemption arc" and like noah being like ykyk, but like WHAT THE HELL, NAYEON I ADORE U DONT DIE. i rest my case.
(i have more smut in my reading so maybe check that out idkk,,,)
-local nb lesbian who is crying over amon.

Most people are dropping it because its a "mess" when you think about it its not THAT crazy, its just that you guys are most likely used to the type of stories that are simple and sweet romance comics. I think you ppl are just not being able to comprehend this, but when you think of it, if you came here for romance then this is obviously not for you, The main character is slowly turning into Habin. She had no reason at all, but I mostly look forward to the hopefully happy or sad ending :)
- (good manga recommendations in my desc! )


Thats true, but I think if anything they'd try there best, and even if he does die, Im sure they'll get past it, when I heard it was dying it kinda went past my eyes, this story is very predictable but its also not an impossible read, connect the dots as much as you can, and maybe that one other guy could help since hes a Demi-God ykyk
im just gonna say it, i dont care if this gets hate, but the point of a story is to kinda love each character in their own way, and knowing the endgame well, for most part we know jaehee and sulhwa are getting together so you guys keep making these theories on a site where and author cant even see what ur writing becuase this is technically illegal reading, those who support the endgame relationship, vouch.