esoul created a topic of Debut or Die

the new blondie is a cutie

that’s genuinely so terrifying wtf

esoul created a topic of Killing Stalking

lowk want to re read this bc the first time i read it i was forced to read it by a friend and i was kinda scared to read it so i would skim through each chapter gonna be fr i don’t remember half of the things that happened in this

esoul created a topic of Jinx

NOOOOOOOOOOO tears forming, jaw dropped, heart shattered. WHY WOUKD YOU DO THIS LEAVE HIM YOUR TOO GOOD FOR THIS MAN

esoul created a topic of My Suha

i legit speed read these chapters it’s so bad

esoul created a topic of Merry Marbling
esoul created a topic of Love Jinx

did the author die in seriously concerned why are there so many haitus breaks

esoul followed a goer

Fav trope== childhood friend!!

11 11,2023
esoul created a topic of Kill Me If You Can
esoul created a topic of Debut or Die

wahta the fuck he’s so pretyy

esoul created a topic of Homeless/No Home

no home pmeas you can’t do this to me every chapter stress em out i love this so much eveyrone needs to read this i need this story to blow up so badly people need to see this masterpeice of im gonna kms

esoul created a topic of Homeless/No Home

every character is so relatable plz in my childhood i’ve been the hará in this situation

esoul created a topic of Homeless/No Home
esoul created a topic of My Suha
esoul created a topic of Juvenile Offender


esoul created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

i’m on chapter 55 and i’m a little confused like did he completely loose all his memory or have it back the wording is a lil strange

esoul created a topic of Jinx

okay uh what the fuck just happened yall

this is too cute i’m not ready for the next few chapters

esoul created a topic of 19 Days
esoul created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

i keep seeing this so i’m js gonna read it (im terrified)