lowk want to re read this bc the first time i read it i was forced to read it by a friend and i was kinda scared to read it so i would skim through each chapter gonna be fr i don’t remember half of the things that happened in this
NOOOOOOOOOOO tears forming, jaw dropped, heart shattered. WHY WOUKD YOU DO THIS LEAVE HIM YOUR TOO GOOD FOR THIS MAN
did the author die in seriously concerned why are there so many haitus breaks
Fav trope== childhood friend!!
no home pmeas you can’t do this to me every chapter stress em out i love this so much eveyrone needs to read this i need this story to blow up so badly people need to see this masterpeice of im gonna kms
every character is so relatable plz in my childhood i’ve been the hará in this situation
i’m on chapter 55 and i’m a little confused like did he completely loose all his memory or have it back the wording is a lil strange
this is too cute i’m not ready for the next few chapters
i keep seeing this so i’m js gonna read it (im terrified)