How anticlimactic
Why do they always look like they’ve been drowned in oil
Boy shut up
This story is so fucking ass I don’t want replies or any of that but my hatred for this story goes deep
Wait what the fuck did his physique just change
Brother was a built yummy looking man now he just a twink…
Maybe from starvation and exhaustion? Dunnow- I mean it kinda makes sense to me ngl ( . - .)
Even compared to the first chaoter... smh
Yeah cuz remember in that one chapter he refused to eat food so maybe that's why
Big broad shoulders and tall figure to short skinny twink
Wow my heart was beating the entire time too
Whats the authors twitter?
For noti ')
I just Found out it's @niyamabl
They’re such losers
They already lost it all for each other
Every chapter of this manhwa I take out a wine glass ready to drink myself to death
Cutest chapter
How anticlimactic