I'm confused why are they treating the black haired girl as the Empress? I thought he was married to our MC what happened I'm so confused


They got us in the first half ngl

Mr yanagi is so cute hhhhdhrhxbebsn

「soft serve」 created a topic of My Stallion

Can someone pls explain how this world works I'm so confused what do they mean he's the savior of mankind my brain is about to explode any second hhhh

「soft serve」 created a topic of My Suha

Well this story took a turn I was not expecting

「soft serve」 created a topic of Chitra Webtoon

He has hella long hair


Wtf did he just give him as a snack some kinda crackers with some salmon and some fancy shit what kinda gourmet— I am in shock

A psycho at the same time oh well

Ur so FINEEEE wanna go out w me

AAAAAA PSYCHO EX get me my garlic bread spray the holy water and get my rosary we are going on a ride

I wonder why quite a lot of head servants in manwhas happen to be embezzling money from their lord/s. Like y'all are doing p good for someone in that era are you really gonna fuck it all up just cause you think you can get away with stealing just a tiny bit of money? It's scary how you can go from just stealing a bit to thinking you can just take how ever much you want. I'd rather get favoured and promoted lmao. Gives you a stable salary and shit won't go down unlike if you were to get caught for embezzling money

「soft serve」 created a topic of Elysian's Bride

In this world are men only allowed one wife/girl? Cause I've been seeing spoilers of aivan cheated with the fl and has a house full of women but so far following the FL it's p polygamous(?) But idk if men are allowed to have polygamous relationships cause if they are I might reconsider hating aivan but yea

「soft serve」 created a topic of Liveta


「soft serve」 created a topic of Seifuku x Kinniku

That when from 0 to 100 real quick

I knew it all blondes are never to be trusted

I ask that same question everyday _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

「soft serve」 created a topic of Bokura no Issen

Hmu if you need a side chick daddy I'm very willing to be your hoe

Even from the screen I too can say that is a top tier ass I would pay to be able to get my face in that cake