JJ’s Heart created a topic of Thirst

Oh... my heart....oh someone save my heart.....nooo..and too late it burst..hahahha

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Under the Green Light

Please update soon. Update 1 chapter each week, that would be perfect.

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Domestic na Kanojo

Rui was what natsuo needed in life for better or worse. She was everything he could ever ask for. Their love was truest and purest. Rui only loved. She did not do anything to deserve this sort of fate. A mere accident shattered her dreams like a piece of glass. She is so strong. For over five years and for more after the wedding she would see them together and everything else. She would just endure it silently. And poor Haruka. Oh... I just .....I just can't. Poor child. She lost the happiness of "family" even before she was born. Natsuo should have judged better. He should have gave it a thought who was with him all this time. Who supported him. Cared for him. Was beside him. Was his shoulder to lean on. Who loved him. Who gave him a blessing(Haruka). Who devoted her life after him? Natsuo's love maybe still was a mare feelings of a high school student. He never grew up to judge correctly. I wish nothing more than true happiness for Rui and Haruka.

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Domestic na Kanojo

I cried. For Rui. I loved them. Every moment they were together. I loved it. In the beginning I hated Hina. But in the end I put myself in Rui's shoes. And a blessing for them came from my mind. Not heart. Hina could always go to shuu. And others too. If only she did, I could have shed tears for happiness. Not for bitter and heart clenching feelings. Any ways over all this was a masterpiece. Ups and downs were perfect. It was like a rollercoaster ride. A gem. I highly recommend this to read.

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Under the Green Light

Please try to understand. You are updating way too fast. This activity might get you caught. The author may track you. So please update wisely.

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Haomen Tianjia Qianqi

Did everyone just stopped reading this one? There is no new topics hahaha

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Obedient Heritage

Oh god no such a psycho kid. Get away from him.

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Under the Green Light

Oh no it was a way too fast update. This isn't good. Please wait a while before updating.

Could someone tell me if it's a monthly or not? Like I wanna know how often does it gets updated.

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Under the Green Light


OH MY GOD. Wow this chapter was something else. It was perhaps soothing. I donno what I am saying. I just know it was wonderful and seemed very amaizing. This maybe my most favorite one throughout this whole story.

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Blood Link

Waaaaaaaaah. Butterflies overload in my belly. Oh those babies killed me with cuteness. And when hwa showed him the fly hahhahahah I was dead laughing. I did not see it coming hhahahahhaha

JJ’s Heart created a topic of The Man's Games
JJ’s Heart created a topic of Thirst

Whoa.....that was something else

JJ’s Heart created a topic of Haomen Tianjia Qianqi

Oh no it ended too quickly.Am I the only one who thinks the chapter was too short?