A guest from the planet of happiness, the alien Takopi, arrives on Earth to spread happiness through...
- Author: タイザン5
- Genres: Seinen / Loli / Psychological / Drama / School Life / Horror / Web Comic / Aliens / Supernatural / Mystery
Michi, plagued forever by her ability to see ghosts, pretends like she can't in order to avoid them ...
- Author: odoroo dorothy
- Genres: Seinen / Ghosts / Romance / Comedy / Shoujo Ai / School Life / Horror / Supernatural
Yuuma, a timid college student who has been summoned to a different world. It was thought that a fun...
- Author: Kizaki Uno
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Mature / Seinen / Supernatural
- Author: Arai Sumiko
- Genres: Yuri / Shoujo ai / drama / romance / slice of life
Yoo Minhee finds her boyfriend cheating on her. On her way home, she runs into her childhood friend ...
- Author: Lange
- Genres: Shoujo Ai / Romance / Drama / School Life / Webtoons / Yuri
- Author: shindou masaoki
- Genres: Shounen / One shot / Comedy / Fantasy / Slice of Life / Animals / Monster Girls / Monsters
A twoshot written by Murasakino for Comitia140....
- Author: Murasakino
- Genres: Yuri / Shoujo Ai / Drama
- Author: Tokuwo Tsumu
- Genres: Yuri / Shoujo Ai / tragedy / slice of life / romance
then again i just upload it here if there an another chapter but wasn't translated ill translate it ...
- Author: Kyousuke itou
- Genres: Shounen / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Slice of Life / Supernatural Comedy Drama Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural
Yamada Madoka (?) loves all sorts of cute things! He grew up playing with dolls, sleeping with stuff...
- Author: kingyobachi deme
- Genres: Drama / Slice Of Life
The woman she's interested in carries around the scent of vanilla. They would always communicat...
- Author: Inui ayu
- Genres: Shoujo ai / Romance
I should be dead but i'm lost in a world that's like an otome game!? The prince proposed to me, but ...
- Author: atuka
- Genres: One shot / Reincarnation / Shoujo Ai / Drama / Villainess
From Stiletto Heels Scans:<br >Saya, who works as a translator, lives with her bisexual former...
- Author: torino shino
- Genres: Shoujo ai / romance
Due to the bad treatment that she received, Nishino Kanako quits her job, but when she finds a new o...
- Author: Wakabayashi Toshiya
- Genres: Comedy / Slice Of Life
In order to clear the name of 'Emi,' a girl who had reincarnated as Remilia, the villaines...
- Author: makiburo,shiraume nazuna
- Genres: Shoujo / Drama / Fantasy
Not really action but great drama and strong female character
Taiga’s always worshiped the heroes he’s seen on TV. And now that he’s started hig...
- Author: Peyo
- Genres: Shounen ai / Psychological / Romance / School life
Beautiful people are loved and revered. They have everything they desire right at their finger...
- Author: Matsuura Daruma
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / School Life / Seinen / Supernatural / Tragedy
Girl is seen as an outcast for the way she appears so she uses the lipstick that her mother gave her to take the faces and voices of others.
- Author: kidaniel
- Genres: Shounen / Shoujo Ai / School Life / Vampire / Supernatural / Mystery
The place where I belong is with you.A runaway girl who knows no hope. A middle-aged detective who h...
- Author: Shinzou Keigo
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / Seinen
Highschool girl runs away and seeks money by doing prostitution but is caught by the police. She now finds herself dealing with a detective that has lost his daughter who looked exactly like her.