You all need to calm down. I get that Tess kissing Arthur was not her best course of action, but I get why she did it. Maybe it was not the best way to get her feelings across, and I agree that she did not get consent from Arthur. However, I don't think hating on her is the solution either. Who hasn't done stupid shit when young and naive. I am not like "go get him girl", but I am not wising her to die like some of the people in the comments. I don't get the people blaming Arthur for the kiss either? Like, she kissed him not the other way around. And romance is a part of life, so I don't see this a them getting into a relationship at THIRTEEN and TWELVE, but more like the author setting up their future (like years down the line) romance. I haven't read the novel, so I don't know what will happen, but life is never black and white and people make mistakes and sometimes those can lead to terrible consequences, so all of the people hating on Tess because of something that happens in future chapters should probably see those situations as the author giving more character and grey areas to their characters. If a well rounded manhwa (with romance) is not your cup of tea, and your good time is ruined because of it, then it is probably not such a bad idea to drop it then. ( ̄へ ̄)
Me! And honestly a well manhwa, sure, but when they said -with romance- , eugh immediate NOT cup of tea. Come on it’s an action plot we’re dealing with here, who needs an UNNECESSARY romance element eeugghh even though it was obvious from the start she was a ‘love interest’ in this awesome action plot. Still, You gotta be kidding me amiright. (pun intended)
I don't know how to feel about the ending. It is not that I didn't like it because if I'm honest that was the only way they would end up together. I kinda refuse to believe that as kids they were evil. I prefer to believe that the malice of the parents in the black room together with the resentment that they were feeling kinda unlocked their dark side and they got seduced by it. Like some kind of demon took advantage of the situation. I didn't know what was gonna happened, but I cannot say that the end surprised me. I was very interesting reading that's for sure.