Can you guys help me out please i’m trying to find a story I read, but I didn’t bookmark. It only had one chapter and it was a BL. Basically the mc has dark black hair and looks really tough, but it’s actually really shy and a scaredy-cat but he pretends to be tough because he doesn’t want people looking down on him and he works in like this customer service thing and then the.ML HAS BLONDE HAIR AND HE ALSO WORKS AT THE SAME PLACE AS THE MC DOES AND HE APPEARS REALLY NICE AND FRIENDLY, BUT HE’S ACTUALLY TWO-FACED AND SPREADS BAD RUMORS ABOUT THE MC FOR SOME REASON AFTER GAINING HIS TRUST ummmm I don’t know why all the words turned really big but I’m too lazy to type all that out again well to be fair I was using Siri, but please just ignore that
I’m sorry but why are they low key so ugly
Thank you for saying out lout what i've been thinking