Omg... next is Lyle....and he will be like???? This new experience could really be a bad?? influence on Lyle. Honestly.. imagining Lyle demanding Ash over and over to fuck him... is pretty hot. Lyle be like.. "I am going to cover you in my spent desire because you are mine and mine alone. Here are my pheromones, dominate me. Drench me in your pheromones so that I can no longer smell mine." Ash be like.. "let's see how many times I can make you knot, needs lots if you place on covering me." But more than the Lyle rut, I want to see his personality turn transparent, like he just blurting out everything that he is thinking and feeling. lol

Well... I am pretty sure the endearments are Lyle's Achilles heel. ...He will do anything if Ash calls him baby. Man, we haven't even gotten to the knotting. Or the discussion about the living arrangements. Sigh. Ash's.... rut IS another level. Honestly... Ash must realize at this point... he will destroy the world if he can't have Lyle. Lol Ash evil villain rut. Then when Lyle ruts... we should just call it.. Craving Ash Frenzy.
Ash's knotting... actually caused Lyle to knot on the outside. How did I not see this the first few read throughs... Woah. Must have been so intense. Scary, painful, but satisfying. Knotting is more instinctive emotional need ...right.
Wait where can you see that? I tried to find it but I can't
Look at page 11.
You mean that he came from just the back? ... I don't get it
Lyle knotted. See base bulge and how it was emphasized in drawing.