I think avel’s tribe are the descendants of black shark and if they remained in human form until turning into an adult, they probably wont be able to shape shift into a shark:— most likely their shark self will be dulled. That’s probably why the chief of tantata clan (i forgot the name lol) avoided the contact of kids and those ‘sacrificed’ to the miyaru clan to meet on that annual meetup day. To prevent the kids to look at miyaru clan in a positive light and to avoid them into digging into their own ‘true history’. And I also think avel’s gonna be able to shape shift into a shark since he traded blood with a miyaru clan before he turned into an adult. Aahhhhh I’m so excited to read what’s next!

Geez… i didn’t know i had it in me lol. So are they gonna meet the other black shark tribe people that stays at the bottom or is their entire colony followed the then chief and moved to the land? I’m pretty sure there’s gotta be some who opposed the then chief’s wish to leave their home and eradicate black shark history from the earth

At the moment, the story is pretty much predictable, with all the hints the author gives us here and there. But I’m still curious about whether there are some black shark clan that stays at the bottom sea or not. Ahhh the storyline is quite interesting, if there’s a novel version, I would’ve binged it in one night.

Nah basically there was only one black shark cub because he’s the child of the black shark and a land goddess(the white shark also mated with a land goddess and made the white shark cub). once the black shark moved to land and decided he wanted to be human that was it. His descendants that followed kept his wish(though now only the chiefs of the black tribe are let in on this). Honestly if Avel had become chief of the black shark tribe I feel like he would’ve opposed his dad and the ways of the past once he was told the history(seeing how he already wanted to change the ways of his tribe). At the end of the manga, they’d gotten to a point where Avel’s little brother(his bio brother and the “weak” one) come annually with the chief of the black shark tribe to visit Tukiri’s tribe. There hasn't been any other chapters since it’s completed but by the looks of things, once Avel’s father dies things are gonna change a lot lmao.

It’s warm.. It’s fuzzy.. it’s comforting.. it is a really wholesome and sweet story of a couple in love. I really like how the author made the story as close as possible to the reality. I cried a little, empathising on baby’s struggle in stepping up in his career, when ann talked about “wrong decisions in life”, and when I realised I might never get to meet my own johnson in real life. His character is the epitome of a gentle lover and i like how he didn’t even hesitate or questioning his feelings because baby is of the same gender as his. He didn’t fell for baby, he dive right in and he communicated his feelings so well. Ahhhhh i love everything about them.. their love is so matured and i need what they have irl too…

Idk man.. everyone can tell that there’s going to be a major heartbreak soon… im so sorry for jun.. he deserves a love that is so stable, not one filled with anxiety. I hope season 2 will show both hyeonwoo and subin completely moved on and hyeonwoo finding someone else. I want to see more of jun and subin being sweet together. But i can just foresee that hyeonwoo n subin is the real endgame and i hate it……

I was so worried this could happened so I checked the Russian website that's post the second season, ( I know nothing Russian but the flag and that Putin is their president so I have absolutely no idea what they were talking about) b~u~t it seems that subin and jun did actually break up or maybe were on a break?? Then the other guy told him that he liked him since hing school?? But subin seems to say that he lost interest in him when the guy run for the red head beauty when it was raining and that moment was also when he fell for jun ---> not sure just from the pictures, and then jun came and explain some things then they lived happily ever after, the other guy did seem to have his own peace with everything tho, I'm really excited to know what was actually going on hope they upload it here soon

This is the link if you are interested in reading it yourself

i went into it blindly without reading the synopsis and the comments just because, i saw the comedy tag. Please.. nothing about this screams comic to me. All i can see is red flags everywhere. Kissing someone while they’re sleeping is still fine to me but going further than that… he’s basically a rapist, don’t tell me i’m wrong.
Yes, this is cute. But it’s weird as well because the FL looks a lot like a child with boobies. Why cant people draw female adult characters properly… why they gotta have super tiny face and hands in proportion to ML..
boy do i have something to tell you about jp beauty standards