I actually liked the fact that Noboru got really mad when the uke tricked him with that hickey, it made him feel more human and real. Way too often with this kind of "rookie" seme when the slutty/more experienced uke pulls a stunt like this, the seme either 1. cries, 2. swears he'll become better, 3. silently accepts it or 4. goes after the guy the uke cheated (or pretended to) him with.

I absolutely hated how easily that bully bitch called Tenma was forgiven! For fuck's sake! He almost got the uke raped by drugging him, and the uke brushes it off as a... a.. A FUCKING PRANK?! And he wants to befriend the psycho bitch?!
This left me so infuriated I can barely enjoy the fluff at the end! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

I agree he got off too light. But think of it this way, it just proves our little uke is a better person who is able to forgive (and I think he probably understood the kid was under pressure from his family)
I may be cynical, or overly suspicious, but the single dad has the look and behaviour of one of the sickos from the twisted child-molestation stories. Like how he keeps saying how much Mischi resembles his wife and all... I might have read too much Harada tho ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
It's just because the dad is kinda weak-willed (not a lot, just a bit) and if your partner dies, you can't help but want to see them in the culmination of your love--your child.
I understand that, but still get creepy vibes from him cuz it all reminds me of Harada's predator stories ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Just how many Harada stories have you read exactly? ( ̄∇ ̄")