The story will pick up from now on and the topic will become more aggressive towards the shippers of this couple. People who dislike non con fiction and end up reading this because of the popularity will grow bitter and bitter as the relationship shapes up.

My daily support for the shippers of Seungho x Nakyumn that will for sure be attacked and confronted: The author is a shipper and she is creating this story for the lovers of Seungho x Nakyum. It shows in her art. It's even progressing in her art. She clearly believes in Seungho being someone worthy of love so don't let the shamers trash you for just enjoying what the author also believes in.

Every time you see a post here shaming you for the ship, throwing asshole comments like 'you need help' or 'admit you root for a rapist' or whatever shit these jerks love to say: The author drives this ship and she is no less of a person for doing so. Neither is you.
Just remember that the biggest and stronger shipper of this couple is the author herself. Look at the official art she creates, how much she promotes this ship. Seungho and Nakyum are sold as a couple and this story was always clear about the kind of Yaoi genre that it is.
It's not you who needs help. Disliking something is natural. What is not so natural is to attack people for fictional ships, even more when it's the other people who got out of their way to read something that they disapprove of the author doing.

Ship your heart out. That's what fiction is for. Freedom.
2021-02-02 01:55 marked
The new chapter is actually one of my favorites so far.
It's heartbreaking and unassuming because it's not so much thrill and action but we get to see two characters speaking out what they are thinking: Mr Kim and Nakyum.
Maybe because for me I am well over the point of discussing the fictional morality of Seungho x Nakyum ( I am not a reader who can't live without social justice moral in my fiction, my favorite character is a Yakuza boss so if I am to demand my fictional characters to be punished by their behavior like they would in real life, my choice in Yaoi section would be really, really tiny). Anyway, since I am not in the least bothered by Seungho x Nakyum endgame and think the author heavily, massively promotes this ship like honey at the end of the tunnel, I think the fun of this story is really about watching how the author will write the path to that.
In the last chapter, we clearly see that both Seungho and Nakyum have conflicting feelings towards each other but they can't help but be drawn towards the other man. Seungho has fallen in love with Nakyum. Yes, it's a selfish, entitled way of love that only a man who grew up starved of affection but it's used to get anyone can have. He doesn't know how to love Nakyum any other way but taking it as if it was his right. At the same time, what Mr Kim said is really important. Why is Seungho so cruel to Nakyum? He goes from extreme opposites from torturing Nakyum to doing things he never bothered to do for anyone else. So why is he cruel to the person he clearly can't live without ? My theory is only that Seungho instinctively fights the feeling of being under someone's power. He feel in love with the lowborn but he hates him for it.
Nakyum on the other hand. I know people love to talk about Stockholm syndrome but I feel readers forget the early chapters where Nakyum and Seungho were already drawn for each others. Seungho always was alluring to Nakyum, he was already having erotic dreams with the master, in his sexual awakening and even during his torturous events, the fact is that Nakyum also got to see the very small glimpses of a human Seungho. Be when he was vulnerable having nightmares or when he was passed out drunk confessing, or when he once felt the 'warmth' in Seungho's embrace. So, as much as readers want to paint Seungho as only monster, the story is telling that Nakyum got close enough to see bits of a different Seungho. On top of it, Seungho fell for him and being cherished, even more by someone you know it's unattainable to you is a powerful thing.
Anyway, I think this chapter was beautifully crafted. It has even more signs that the story is following a classic formula of powerful man being tamed by a seemingly powerless one. Mr Kim, a man we know has been with Seungho for years, is canon saying that he knows Seungho is not heartless.... this is important too because the story needs to have Seungho as a damaged human that needs rescue as much as Nakyum. For all that Seungho did to Nakyum, there is also a part of Nakyum that got woken by Seungho and I am not talking about sex. It was Seungho's words in the market that provoked Nakyum to go demand from Inhun an answer about what he was for him. So it's not only one side being changed here. They are both shaping the other.
2021-01-30 00:10 marked
We are finally going to see some character development from Seungho. I understand where others are coming from, but as someone who reread this manhwa a few times already, I understand what the author wants us to see and you already gone this far in this manhwa, if you weren't hook or understand the story at some point i don't think you'll stay and keep reading? Seungho wasn't portray as someone who is romantic or "good" at the very start the artist showed it to us, and this manhwa is leading, finally, to his character development. I can feel it, it is coming. I won't say it'll be flowers and sunshine, the progress won't be easy, there will be realization and stuff and one person can't just change in one night. The manhwa will be hiatus for almost a month, try rereading it and internalize the story one more time. The artist is working on this really hard. :)
2021-01-29 15:49 marked
Every time I come here to reread the chapters I remain dumbfounded by the comments.
Why are there so many people hoping to see Nakyum and Seungho living like the world was made of unicorns and rainbows constantly? Or hoping that Nakyum will leave Seungho forever coz "he doesn't deserve him". Ok and then what? End of the story? Nice manwha!
I only see a few people here who actually understood the nature of the manhwa. This is not a light story. If you can't accept it and can only criticize it I recommend you just stop reading and come back only to read the end of it or, maybe, never come back in order not to disappoint/hurt yourselves (or the author with your unproductive criticisms).
What happened in this chapter is imo a big turn in this story and yet people can't stop ranting saying "awww poor nakyum he needs to run away awww poor one I hope he finds someone better". Idk it just makes me mad to see that no one appreciates the story as it is. Even if there are some flaws there is no need to flame or insult the author ot whatever. From my experience there are so many "more violent" popular mangas and I don't see all this drama in the comment section there. Just stop for a moment to appeciate the author's work and get out of your rainbow bubble. I never expected, not even once, a cute love story out of this, just go back to read the first chapters again and think about how clear it was that the story was gonna be twisted af.
2021-01-29 15:34 marked

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