storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

what did that fork do to you?

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

akechi flashbacks

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

uhhhh... ok...?

storm add 1 photos to webtoon goodness

no sir. no problem.

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense
storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

lofty goals

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

wow. what a way to start

storm add 1 photos to webtoon goodness
storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

when she does this she reminds me of Uraraka

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

i too volunteer as tribute. he can learn

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

they're not wrong.

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

I say yes. go for it

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

omg this translator kills me

storm add 1 photos to funny nonsense

he's not wrong