Lollipoptty's feed

Honestly i wrote this some time ago, but i never really shared it. And I honestly dont really know what i want with it, other than share my opinion on this topic...their is probely a lot of grammar mistakes and my English isn’t the best, but i would love your opinion on this too... so yeah if you have some time feel free to read:)

The biggest and complicated question we all have is probely “did they love each other” and was even a part of the ending Q&A, but still we didn’t get a precise answer only that we will find the answer reading the last chapters. A chapter where we hear how Sangwoo was calling Bum names multiple times, until some Lady shut him up (and maybe killed him). Such action show that someone cares or have some feelings, is not normal to call out for someone you have no relation too, hate or feel any other kind of unpleasant feelings for (we can’t Deny that). And no - as one thought - its very unlikely he tried to call after his Mom.
We also see times when Sangwoo show some care for Bum, and especially in the last couples of chapters (Bum meet the girl, buy Ring, drop rat poison = Sangwoo anxiety) Sangwoo is scared of Bum leaving/cheat on/killing him. (and i like to compare Sangwoo to his father, because Bum is obviously like Sangwoo’s Mother and these scene show what happened to them. His mom cheated and later his father got poisoned, which is a reason for Sangwoo’s PTSD = fear of getting poisoned the same way) But we never get a true Clarifying on what is exactly going on in his head - so please share you thoughts on it -. We also have to remember both characters suffer from multiple mental illness which make them unstable, and they are both fictive characters made from Koogi’s mind, which make this topic more confused, by her ever giving a complete answer.

But Sangwoo isn’t the only one, but i still rarely see people question Yoonbum and his action and feelings. Maybe its because the Manga is from his point of view or maybe because we feel so sure in everything he do? In chapter 1 we see how he describes his feelings for Sangwoo. “Love”. Or maybe you cant really call a stalkers “love” a healthy or the real form. Especially after we hear about Bum and his past with the girl. In the past it looked a lot more like an obsession, but it never came as far as stalking her (like with Sangwoo). So the feelings he has from Sangwoo is very likely to be an obsession too, and yeah it can still be love or it developed into love later, but we can all agree that it wasn’t a healthy form of love.

So if i have to come to a conclusion, I would probely say that there is some form of love between them. And no it doesn’t have to be healthy, neither normal. But it still there, we still got to witness emotional and heartbreaking scene. We still got to witness scene where everything is madness and someone’s dying. Even if you are an abusing piece of shit, you can still be capable of loving someone. A lot of people abuse, torture or kill, but still love their partner, is awful i know, but it’s still happening, and sadly we can rarely do anything to stop it.

I’m gonna stop know, this became a little to long but i felt like sharing some (meaningless) thoughts. And i know not everyone have the same opinion so as i said before, don't attack me. I tried to stay as objective as possibly, and this is necessary not exactly how I see it so yeah...