i was 16 years old, got drunk af in a party, took my clothes off and fucked a guy in the grass at the back of the house with people dancing everywhere. months later i discovered he was a virgin i went to apologize but he told me he was glad and happy that i was his first time because he had liked me since he met me a year ago lol we're still frien......
age: 22 sex: male ethnicity: south korean occupation: college student @ snu (seoul national university) city: seoul (it's where i work), but i was born in busan other: honestly, i've kissed/fucked too many people (male and female alike) to count (i make it a rule to never make contact with the same person twice - is that odd? whatever) so yaoi does......

If you don't wanna know the ending right now
If you don't wanna know the ending right now
If you don't wanna know the ending right now
Kirino and Mishima are just gay friend. No love between them. If you read the manga from the start to finish, you will recognize that there's no love tension between them. They are just friend
So, what happened in chap 13 was Kirino's mum found out that he's gay. So he decided to runaway with Mishima. But then, when they were waiting for the train, Kirino's mum collapsed, she regretted what she had said to Kirino. Kirino, knowing his mother collapsed, decided to go back. Mishima too. On the way back, Kirino returned Mishima's lipstick, the key that opened his pandora box. In the raw of chap 14, you can see Kirino and Mishima say goodbye to each other, Mishima running and crying. That's because Mishima realized that they chose to go on different way. Mishima will follow his way to become what he wanted. But Kirino can't, he will fulfill his duty as a son for his mother. After that, everything's back to normal. Kirino and Mishima didn't meet on the rooftop anymore. And, finally Yumeno confessed his love to Mishima.
The ending: Mishima and Yumeno is now living together. Mishima works at a beauty salon and also becomes a drag queen :)))
And Kirino, he married, had kid and have his own happiness.
In the end, Kirino's daughter points to a dragonfly. He opened his eyes. And said "Summer is finally over"
what's that one yaoi manga where the guy's dog Jiro becomes a human after h...