... July 7, 2021 1:31 pm

First of all, I think this couple is my favorite due to the mutual feelings of ROMANCE, not just lust.

Second of all, my eyes and body hurt when they used chocolate as lube. Omg. No.

    ♒märtina July 7, 2021 2:38 pm

    it's remarkable

    monkeyp July 7, 2021 2:38 pm

    i agree, i hate the whole sugary sweets as lube trope its because i know what happens to people if u actually put it where ur not supposed to. But i love this story so much!

... June 26, 2021 9:02 pm

I love this couple and this story but it makes me a bit angry (and I mean A BIT, it's not a huge issue lol) that so many of the conflicts surrounding this couple have to do with Minato's fear of Shizuma leaving him (for another person). And this upcoming issue seems to be hinting at this problem once more. I'm not saying insecurities are not common nor is the fear of infidelity. However! Can we move beyond this?! Minato has been spending the majority of this series being terrified that Shizuma was going to leave him for a woman but now he's going to spend another arc in fear that Shizuma will leave him for a man (I'm assuming because it seems to be alluding this) who is in the same workforce, therefore they will be spending more time together. Ugh! Can we move beyond this issue for this couple?! I want to see this couple grow but I feel like the story isn't moving forward due to the repetitive nature of the story plot conflicts... I liked the arc of Shizuma and Minato having conflicts because of their new jobs and moving in together but other than that... *sigh*

Lol, I'm sorry, I love this story and will continue reading but this was just a short rant because I FEEL A LOVE TRIANGLE BREWING AND I HATE THIS!

    zaiyaku June 27, 2021 2:52 am

    Hi, just a thought but maybe you’re taking Minato’s PTSD too lightly? It’s not something you easily recover from, and takes a lot of time, and Minato is slowly learning how to trust Shizuma more (comparing how he was when they first started dating vs. now accepting Shizuma’s circumstances and trying to control his feelings and emotions) and has made considerable progress.

    That being said, I like how the story approaches Minato’s trauma. The reason why it seems repetitive is because Minato tends to find something to be anxious/insecure about in every arc, but that’s just normal especially since he’s recovering and recovery isn’t linear. As long as they try to resolve it every time, they are growing as persons and in their relationship.

    ... June 27, 2021 8:48 am
    Hi, just a thought but maybe you’re taking Minato’s PTSD too lightly? It’s not something you easily recover from, and takes a lot of time, and Minato is slowly learning how to trust Shizuma more (comparin... zaiyaku

    Oh no, I absolutely do not take his trauma lightly! I didn't mean to make it seem that way. Rather, I absolutely agree with you and I love the way this story appropriately tackles his anxiety and insecurities. I think I need to clarify my frustrations.

    I am not saying that Minato's trauma is causing problems for the growth of this couple. But rather, I was frustrated by the fact that his trauma and insecurities are being used in every arc as the main cause and source of conflict. I am afraid that it can stunt his character development. I am NOT saying he can't carry his trauma. We ALL carry our trauma with ourselves. But I am a bit frustrated by the portrayal of Minato as "weak", "traumatized", and "frail (because he has trauma)" out of him and Shizuma. By approaching his trauma, we get great development on Minato but I find it a bit troublesome that Minato has become a poster child of trauma. I personally have trauma, as many others. I LOVE his portrayal. I LOVE Shizuma and I LOVE this couple. However, as a reader who loves this story, I think opinions and criticism about the repetitive nature of conflicts in this story and the "frail" portrayal of Minato are valid. Through bringing up his trauma over and over again, Minato is unable to grow because his trauma is used as a point of conflict by the author; however, although this sort of repetitive nature of "relapse" is common in regards to trauma, I think his trauma is being used as plot armor as opposed to realistic portrayal of trauma. Yes, realistic (gloriously), but I think Minato's character development deserves more complexity other than constantly introducing (or reintroducing) another character that may or may not potentially take away Shizuma. I believe Minato's trauma is complex so I think (at this point in the story) Minato's trauma deserves a bit more complexity in its dissection instead of using his trauma as a way to create conflict or reiterate Shizuma's love for him.

    Again! I want to say I love this character and this couple! My opinion and criticism is not going to make me hate this story. I just think it's valid to look at this story and really dissect it from a critical point of view - not with my emotions but with my logic and seeing whether the techniques and tools used by the author are effective to me as a reader. I am currently looking at this story, not with the eyes of a reader who is invested in this couple with my heart, but rather with my brain as a reader who is trying to understand if this author's use of plot and conflict is effective in telling me a story. Obviously, I love this story! But as a writer, I often take a step back and observe how authors develop their stories and how they let their stories roll out. Again, I am not making light of Minato's trauma nor am I making light of anyone's trauma. But as a reader who was looking at this story with a critical eye about the effectiveness of using this similar kind of conflict within the same story, I just wanted to describe and examine how using Minato's trauma as the main source of conflict to slowly wearing me down. Lol, I understand that I wasn't (and still am not) the most eloquent but I hope you understand that I am thinking more deeply about this story, trauma, and my opinion through this critique.

    Sorry for this long post but I wanted to make it clear that my opinion wasn't just me complaining about a potential love triangle.

... June 12, 2021 1:24 am

Yeah... I don't trust him... Ahuin or whatever his name is... he is definitely raising red flags of "oh, I will do anything for my loved ones, even if that means I have to kill people (even if I have to kill her myself)"... I don't know, maybe I'm just being too suspicious.

... May 26, 2021 6:40 pm

Anna! I love how you are dedicated to your work but... come on! How can you trust this suspicious man with dead fish eyes?! Also, you said it: as a woman and a doctor, you are at liberty to keep your patients' privacy. But also, as a woman, if another woman says she doesn't want to have children or she doesn't want to have the ability to have children, leave her be! Who are you to be making choices about another woman's body?! Do you realize the only reason Lucia allowed you to keep searching for a solution was because you were so annoying about an issue she didn't want you to be a part of, that she just let you have your way?! Anna is likable, even in the novel, until this point. This was the part in the novel where I just slammed my head into my hands because Anna is just so misguided...

Also, I love the relationship between Lucia and Damien and Kate.

    Phr31 May 26, 2021 11:21 pm

    Same this part right here, make me want to punch thing :"))

... May 22, 2021 2:55 pm

Oh no... the second hand embarrassment I feel from reading the crowned prince's scenes... it's excruciating, really!

... May 19, 2021 9:17 pm

I'm currently only on chapter 59, so my opinions and views about situations and the characters may change but as of now...

I love Kang Han Soo. I love him for his skepticism. His realism. His REAL personality that feels hatred and grudges and anger, because we've all felt those emotions as well. I love him because he is the only person in this entire story (so far) that sees how messed up this entire system is. He is the only person in this whole situation that is truly trying to solve the big problems of this world. I kind of dislike Sieg because he's just so dumb and innocent. Like, he's a true chunibyou that doesn't feel like he really has consequences and I absolutely hate that.

However... now that I've taken a step back, I realized a lot about these two who are used as foils of each other. Kang Han Soo is a symbol for the real world. He has stated that he credits science more than magic. He uses REAL LIFE experiences and war tactics. And he is the only one who is truly dedicated to solving the real issue: the broken HUMAN kingdom. While Sieg is the symbol of the fantasy. He WANTS to stay in this fantasy world. His desire was to have a journey and romance a saintress. In chapter 59 (which is the same chapter I am currently on as I am writing this post), Sieg is involved in a harem - a common trope in fantasy/adventure stories. He doesn't really logic through this life. Instead, he uses HOPE and DREAMS to inspire him to move. In fact, he would be the best candidate to use "the power of friendship" to defeat the demon king. Additionally, he's the icon for the professor to "teach by example" for Kang Han Soo. This means he is the "ideal"; he is the idealistic character for professor. He is idealistic, meaning he isn't real. He, himself, is a fantasy. Just look at his name! He began his fantasy and his creation as a fantasy character by giving himself a new name! Additionally, Kang Han Soo is also someone who is TASK-ORIENTED and BIG PICTURE IMPAIRED, while Sieg is PEOPLE-ORIENTED and SMALL PICTURE IMPAIRED. Both are great qualities in real life but we can definitely see that there is a large difference between their characters and especially how the graduation system is more in favor of Sieg.

I think this is why I kind of hate Sieg (and the professor) while I love Kang Han Soo. He is dedicated to reality. His cruelty and "bad" personality is due to him being grounded in reality. His emotions, hatred, and grudges are real and they come to life in real ways. They do not converge into reality by Kang Han Soo WISHING for his troubles to go away. While Sieg is stuck in a fantasy. He's idealistic and he's stuck in his own head. He doesn't see the cruelty of reality, even in this new world. This new world, despite it being an alternate fantasy world, it is his new reality. But he's not treating it as such. THAT'S WHY HE'S ANNOYING. AND! The professor is annoying because she is essentially the writer to a story that is trying to force a fantasy onto a character that sees the world as anything but.

I love this story so much because it's so complex and has so many layers! I'm going to keep reading and let's see how I feel then!

    ... May 19, 2021 9:25 pm

    However, I want to add that I LOVE idealistic characters and stories (especially isekai). But in this certain story, the conversation and context of the plot really creates a complex narrative that makes me hate even a trope that I love. That’s why I love this story. Good writing!

... May 18, 2021 6:46 pm

This is one of those stories where I love the main two characters - what a power couple! And I would love them whether or not if they get together. I love that they are friends and allies. It does not seem like they will have romantic feelings for each other but... I feel like if it's these two and the story begins to develop a romance, I wouldn't be angry. Well, honestly, I might be a bit angry but I like these characters too much to feel like they wouldn't suit each other.

But... I am starting to get a feeling... that Jisoo COULD turn evil in some point... just me? Also, I'm using the word "feel" and "feeling" too much but I'm pretty much burnt out. Don't mind me.

    Miss_Gomita May 19, 2021 1:46 am

    same hereee(⌒▽⌒)

    Ilyusha May 23, 2021 5:58 pm

    Same, Jisoo really does give off the final hidden boss vibe. But, she's the perfect FL for the MC at the same time.

... May 17, 2021 2:31 pm

I've been reading spoilers in the comments and I've come to a conclusion...

Due to the fact that apparently, the story will shift and become more focused on Arien, even forcing Arjen out of the spotlight by taking away his powers and Jason from his grasps...

Yeah... I'm thinking about dropping this. I honestly don't have much about Arien that makes me go "Wow! THAT'S why she's the protagonist!" or "I love her so much!" In fact, I feel more that way about Arjen. But if he's going to take a back seat for her, despite her not being that likable in the first place... yeah... I'm probably going to drop this. Arien is fine, but she's so flat. There's nothing about her that makes me feel attached. The story will develop so it's fine if she's a bit flat BUT! IF THE STORY IS GOING TO FOCUS ON HER, SHE NEEDS TO BE A DARN GOOD CHARACTER IF I'M GOING TO BE OKAY WITH HER TAKING THE STORY. AND I'M NOT OKAY WITH IT BECAUSE FRANKLY, SHE'S NOT THAT INTERESTING OF A CHARACTER FOR ME TO WANT TO COMPLETELY ABANDON ARJEN. Yeah... nah. I'm good. Let me go read another male protagonist manhwa to replace Arjen's lack of magnificent presence in this story.

Sigh, why do you gotta do this to my lovely Arjen? He has the most reasonable and likable character and development. He has goals. He has opinions. He has his own views. He has his likes and passion. He was the first to feel an attachment to Jason and to his imperial powers. He was the first to feel hate for the imperial family and the first to forgive. He was the one to always make his own destiny. But Arien... she has no goal, no motive. She has no opinions or drive. She only follows what others say. She doesn't have any redeeming factor to herself or her personality; yet everyone loves her more. It makes me so infuriated because Arjen is just left aside despite his desires surpassing Arien's in every way and factor; yet everything he loves and desires ends up going to her. Arien is fine. But that's all she is to me. Arjen has drive, motivation, desires, opinions, and development. He has all the factors that make a protagonist. Yet he isn't. Instead, the protagonist is the indecisive sister. He's the agent to his own destiny while she's in for the ride. It makes me so frustrated because I saw this happening. Just looking at the cover, you could tell she was going to take more screen time. Looking at how most of the story narrates HER internal monologue over Arjen's. I had an inkling this would happen, but I was trying to convince myself it wouldn't. Sigh, my poor Arjen.

To be clear, I don't hate Arien. I just... I just feel like if the author were to pick one of the twins to focus on, I feel like Arjen would have been the better choice simply during to his character development so far. But what can I do about an executive decision...

    Filoo May 17, 2021 6:56 pm

    I don’t even understand how you have stated my exact thoughts. Like from the moment I saw the cover, I was wondering why the author didn’t make Arjen more noticeable than Arien, at least put them side by side or smt. But then I soon came to an understanding that Arien would be the protagonist and there would be less scenes of Arjen. I was actually hoping since the beginning that Arjen would be the protagonist since he was the one who caught my interest. I don’t hate Arien, but she’s has a simple boring character that doesn’t really please me as much.

    ... May 17, 2021 7:58 pm
    I don’t even understand how you have stated my exact thoughts. Like from the moment I saw the cover, I was wondering why the author didn’t make Arjen more noticeable than Arien, at least put them side by si... Filoo

    Right?! It just frustrates me because as a reader, I don't see the purpose of introducing this story to be about the twins; yet all of a sudden, making Arien the protagonist and sacrificing Arjen for Arien. Like, what was the purpose or reason behind these executive decisions? Because they thought readers would prefer a female protagonist? Because it was easier to write a story with a female protagonist? Because this is shoujo? Because it's easier to write romance with a female protagonist? It CANNOT be because she would have a better case to having great character development BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY ARJEN HAS BETTER DEVELOPMENT EVEN AT THIS AGE. Ugh, I don't know. This just frustrates me because I don't understand why changing the focus of the story was going to BENEFIT the overall story. In the end, Arjen becomes a sacrificial figure. He becomes a figure that opens doors and opportunities for Arien but then is shut out from entering the door. Sigh, Arjen, from the perspective of a reader, deserves more. Personally, I feel like (from what I know from spoilers and what I currently have seen) this author has failed me in creating a convincing and enjoyable story. They have failed me as a reader because they made a choice that I, as a reader, feels would not benefit them. Ugh, maybe I'm being dramatic. But I don't see this story getting any better by focusing on Arien because frankly, she doesn't carry the story. She doesn't cause any reactions nor does she react to anything. She's... just there... haaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh... I wanna stick it for Arjen but he's too pitiful. I don't want to see him fade in front of my eyes...

    Filoo May 17, 2021 8:49 pm
    Right?! It just frustrates me because as a reader, I don't see the purpose of introducing this story to be about the twins; yet all of a sudden, making Arien the protagonist and sacrificing Arjen for Arien. Lik... ...

    I can’t help but agree with you, because you are saying the undeniable truth. The only reason I’ve been reading this whole story was to see what Arjen was going to do, what he would do next. Arien doesn’t have much going on, as you said she’s just THERE and she’s doing nothing as far as I know. Most of these types of stories have female protagonist and it’s getting boring since they all basically end the same way. Thus, I was looking forward to this story because there wasn’t only a girl, but also a boy that reincarnated and stuff. But since I’ve started to read some spoilers about the next season, it’s really disappointing. Honestly, if the story were to take a different turn and stare around Arjen, I would have no problem reading it.

... May 17, 2021 11:35 am

I understand the people who still dislike him... but for me, I really pity him. We all make mistakes and have regrets. I remember making a long post a while back about how I believe his choices were reasonable when you think about how he was also abused and neglected. But I pity him now because we've ALL done something to hurt someone else. We've ALL made choices that helped ourselves while beating someone down, even if you didn't realize it or do it maliciously. But he has a second chance to change it all. He's repenting. He's trying to be better. He's trying to redeem himself because he's in the know that he was terrible. He's not avoiding his wrong doings. He's actively trying to learn and be a part of the resolution. That’s why he was reading books on marriage and parenthood. Thats why he confronted his father-in-law. That's why he put his ex-fiance in her place. He's doing what he can to make up for what he did before because he knows he was wrong and he sees that he can change. I love his character development and I find it just as powerful, if not more than the fl because he hasn't forgiven himself. His development is just as powerful, if not more because he know and understands he was in the wrong and he's trying to change. If I had the chance to fix a mistake despite being a terrible person and avoid the death of someone, I hope I won't be the only one who does.

What else do you expect? Why has he become the scapegoat? He was trying to survive in his first life. It was in the wrong way but he didn't know how he was supposed to survive! He was abused and neglected his whole life too! No one told him how to survive! He learned from those around him: his brother and step-mother. They stepped on people, including him, to survive. When he was given the chance, he took it! But now, he's realized he was wrong and is trying to make up for his mistakes! He's trying to change. What do you expect him to do? Do you want him to stay bad (so you can stay angry) and allow the fl to change him? That's not change works in a person. No one changes someone else. People change themselves, from the inside. The fl can inspire the change in him (that's exactly what happened) but only HE can change himself and that's what he did. What do you want from the story if you cannot extend empathy for someone who has seen the wrong he's done and is trying to change? Yes, it feels unforgivable because the majority of the story is in the POV of the fl who has her memories. But HE, the ml, doesn't know what we do. He thinks she doesn't remember and is trying to change! Any good person would try to fix their mistakes! I don't agree with everything he's done but I don't want to villainize someone who has seen his wrongdoings and is trying to change for the better.

... May 16, 2021 12:44 am

Oh my goodness... I hate it when men blame their children for being illegitimate, as if these children chose to be conceived and born. Like, you had more to do with that child being illegitimate than that child did. Especially when you are blaming a child for being a child of a slave or prostitute or maid because most likely, YOU (the father) PROBABLY RAPED THAT WOMAN AND SHE GOT PREGNANT. Let's be real! A slave or maid and even prostitutes do not often sleep with these men because they love them. No! Often times, they are vulnerable women who fear for their lives. How dare you blame the children for something you're responsible for! Ugh!

    Renae May 16, 2021 1:04 am

    in real life situations too, like if a child is born autistic or not normal in general, parents blame and cast hate towards them???? LIKE SIR, MAAM they're like that because of your genes! Why are you blaming an innocent child?

    People always look for a scapegoat and I hate that >:(

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