I love this couple and this story but it makes me a bit angry (and I mean A BIT, it's not a huge issue lol) that so many of the conflicts surrounding this couple have to do with Minato's fear of Shizuma leaving him (for another person). And this upcoming issue seems to be hinting at this problem once more. I'm not saying insecurities are not common nor is the fear of infidelity. However! Can we move beyond this?! Minato has been spending the majority of this series being terrified that Shizuma was going to leave him for a woman but now he's going to spend another arc in fear that Shizuma will leave him for a man (I'm assuming because it seems to be alluding this) who is in the same workforce, therefore they will be spending more time together. Ugh! Can we move beyond this issue for this couple?! I want to see this couple grow but I feel like the story isn't moving forward due to the repetitive nature of the story plot conflicts... I liked the arc of Shizuma and Minato having conflicts because of their new jobs and moving in together but other than that... *sigh*
Lol, I'm sorry, I love this story and will continue reading but this was just a short rant because I FEEL A LOVE TRIANGLE BREWING AND I HATE THIS!
Hi, just a thought but maybe you’re taking Minato’s PTSD too lightly? It’s not something you easily recover from, and takes a lot of time, and Minato is slowly learning how to trust Shizuma more (comparing how he was when they first started dating vs. now accepting Shizuma’s circumstances and trying to control his feelings and emotions) and has made considerable progress.
That being said, I like how the story approaches Minato’s trauma. The reason why it seems repetitive is because Minato tends to find something to be anxious/insecure about in every arc, but that’s just normal especially since he’s recovering and recovery isn’t linear. As long as they try to resolve it every time, they are growing as persons and in their relationship.
Oh no, I absolutely do not take his trauma lightly! I didn't mean to make it seem that way. Rather, I absolutely agree with you and I love the way this story appropriately tackles his anxiety and insecurities. I think I need to clarify my frustrations.
I am not saying that Minato's trauma is causing problems for the growth of this couple. But rather, I was frustrated by the fact that his trauma and insecurities are being used in every arc as the main cause and source of conflict. I am afraid that it can stunt his character development. I am NOT saying he can't carry his trauma. We ALL carry our trauma with ourselves. But I am a bit frustrated by the portrayal of Minato as "weak", "traumatized", and "frail (because he has trauma)" out of him and Shizuma. By approaching his trauma, we get great development on Minato but I find it a bit troublesome that Minato has become a poster child of trauma. I personally have trauma, as many others. I LOVE his portrayal. I LOVE Shizuma and I LOVE this couple. However, as a reader who loves this story, I think opinions and criticism about the repetitive nature of conflicts in this story and the "frail" portrayal of Minato are valid. Through bringing up his trauma over and over again, Minato is unable to grow because his trauma is used as a point of conflict by the author; however, although this sort of repetitive nature of "relapse" is common in regards to trauma, I think his trauma is being used as plot armor as opposed to realistic portrayal of trauma. Yes, realistic (gloriously), but I think Minato's character development deserves more complexity other than constantly introducing (or reintroducing) another character that may or may not potentially take away Shizuma. I believe Minato's trauma is complex so I think (at this point in the story) Minato's trauma deserves a bit more complexity in its dissection instead of using his trauma as a way to create conflict or reiterate Shizuma's love for him.
Again! I want to say I love this character and this couple! My opinion and criticism is not going to make me hate this story. I just think it's valid to look at this story and really dissect it from a critical point of view - not with my emotions but with my logic and seeing whether the techniques and tools used by the author are effective to me as a reader. I am currently looking at this story, not with the eyes of a reader who is invested in this couple with my heart, but rather with my brain as a reader who is trying to understand if this author's use of plot and conflict is effective in telling me a story. Obviously, I love this story! But as a writer, I often take a step back and observe how authors develop their stories and how they let their stories roll out. Again, I am not making light of Minato's trauma nor am I making light of anyone's trauma. But as a reader who was looking at this story with a critical eye about the effectiveness of using this similar kind of conflict within the same story, I just wanted to describe and examine how using Minato's trauma as the main source of conflict to slowly wearing me down. Lol, I understand that I wasn't (and still am not) the most eloquent but I hope you understand that I am thinking more deeply about this story, trauma, and my opinion through this critique.
Sorry for this long post but I wanted to make it clear that my opinion wasn't just me complaining about a potential love triangle.
First of all, I think this couple is my favorite due to the mutual feelings of ROMANCE, not just lust.
Second of all, my eyes and body hurt when they used chocolate as lube. Omg. No.
it's remarkable
i agree, i hate the whole sugary sweets as lube trope its because i know what happens to people if u actually put it where ur not supposed to. But i love this story so much!