Mcoll0 created a topic of summer season

*Long ass rant lol*

y'all don't hate me for this one but the seme is annoying afLike I get the whole possessive thing, but it was sooo annoying how bad he treated the uke and the ukes other little twink friend. And ontop of that, I genuinely think the seme basically forced the uke to be in a relationship with him and/or have feelings for him, it definitely didnt come naturally. Im 100% sure the uke would have been just fine staying best friends with the seme. Dont get me wrong I understand why the seme gave him an ultimatum, but who tf would want to be in a romantic relationship because you threatened to leave them??he definitely has some trauma he needs to work through lol.

Mcoll0 created a topic of Love in Orbit

oh my fucking god FINALLY i completely understood where Sohan was coming from wanting to reconnect with his father and all, but his dad was SOOOOO disrespectful, not only to Sohan but to shiwa (and their relationship). I hope BOTH of Sohans parents get hit by a bus

Mcoll0 created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

So he basically had a mans d*ck in his mouth that could have potentially been inside of his mothers coochie????? yeah, I like some weird stuff but this just might as well be incest

Mcoll0 created a topic of Toxin

*long rant*
Im only on the 4th chapter, but I can already see where this bullshit is going, so before i even waste my time somebody please let me know if the emperor is the ML. Will this actually be a revenge plot or will this just be “I’m going to get "revenge" by letting him fuck me and falling in love with him” Plot. because its gonna piss me tf off if the uke is endgame with the guy that was in charge of killing his mother. thats the dumbest shitt ive ever heard of fr. And I really dont understand why yall always ship the most toxic abusive characters and say their horrible actions will be forgiven as long as they have a redemption arc... like??? and before yall annying asses comment on this, yes I know Its fiction but its still wierd af

Mcoll0 created a topic of Love in Orbit

ok yall please dont hate me... but Sohan is really getting on my damn nervers letting his father stay. I know thats his dad and he still has great love for his parents, so I would understand if he just let his dad stay and mooch off of him, IF his dad was being nice about it, BUT sohans dad is clearly a fucking asshole who talks shit about him being gay and talks shit about his friends as well. And he literally hit Sihwa in the head with a fucking golf club???? At this point im more pissed at sohan than at his father, just because hes being dumb af

Mcoll0 created a topic of Shadow of the Moon (yunee)

*incoming rant lol*
I give this 2 stars and a drop. The storyline is choppy and weird.
The story isn't even half way done and I already know how it ends, because Its so predictable. And its the usual guide-verse plot, where the uke is treated like actual trash because the seme has a "traumatic past" with guides and takes it out on the mc ...  

Mcoll0 created a topic of Night Song

yall gon hate me for this one, but I still dont really like the seme lol

Mcoll0 created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

yeah that boy definitely crazy as hell

Mcoll0 created a topic of Love in Orbit

yeah this about to piss me off real bad 

Mcoll0 created a topic of Tabesugi Kinshi!

It was cute but the seme is annoying af, and the uke put up with his BS for wayyy to long

Mcoll0 created a topic of Heat and Love


First and foremost I really loved this story!! I love a non toxic relationship where the couple actually talks to each other and they are really in love with each other as well. The MC and The ML are adorable and I even enjoyed the side couple with the friend and the brother. That being said, I really believe this story could have been rapped up in about 30 chapters lol. There was alot of filler plot, which made the story kinda boring and it felt like it was just lagging a bit. Even the spicy scenes felt like filler, cause it was the same thing over and over. To be fair though, I feel like that has more to do with the art style. Even though I really love the art, i don't think the author really knows how to draw facial emotion.... the characters literally have the same face throughout the entire story lol. Other that that I really liked the story!! I think most people find the story hard to follow because the translation it not that good ( hate to the translator) but I read the actual raws and they obviously make wayyy more sense lol.

*side note* If haeboms dumb ass mother knows how to sense "bad from good " why couldn't she sense haeboms aggy ass father was a fuxxing asshole? and why did she have a baby from him???

4.5/5 <3 <3 <3

Mcoll0 created a topic of Dolphin Fairy

Ok, I just started reading this and I already wanna drop lol. The Swimming instructor kinda seems like an asshole. He literally slapped the uke, because he called him fishy smelling??? Like why tf are you getting mad, youre LITERALLY A FUCKING FISH, of course you smell fishy, likkkee??? He also is dry rubbing his peen all up in the uke, not caring about his feelings at all, which pissed me off lol. I also think think the uke is wayyyyyy too needy. Like why are you chasing after someone who slapped you?? Chile anyway, im only on chapter 10 and I know there are more couples, so im trying to wait it out until they come up. (Also the pink haired so is so fucking annoying lol)

Mcoll0 created a topic of Tokyo in April

I surprisingly liked this story! I didnt see the tragedy tag when i first started reading, and i dont do too well angst, but this story was sooo touching .One thing I will say, Is that I still really hate the semes mother lol. She was just as horrible to Ren as his parents were, and she got of wayyy too easy.

Mcoll0 created a topic of Cupid in the Rainbow Trap

*long rant incoming lol*

I really loved the first season, but in the second season, everyone so far has been really fucking annoying lol. The ML has gotten so pushy and overbearing and the MC always acts slow af. He also is TOO nice, which is not always a good trait. And I never EVER even liked pink hair guy (still dont). And even though the Ml is pushy af , im iknda on his side about now wanting to be around pink hair guy. He was constantly harassing the ML and even tried to fore a kiss on him. But of course, the slow ass MC still wants to play match maker for someone who dosent deserve it. Im gonna continue reading but, I honestly dont even care much for for either couple at this point lol.

Mcoll0 created a topic of Mad Dog

*long rant incoming lol*
Not that anybody asked

First off I wanna say I like the story and it had great potential. The art is really good and it has a great plot. HOWEVER, the story was wayyyy to short and it feels unfinished. We dont get any closure with the MC and his asshole father. We also dont get to see the evil sunbae's life fall to pieces from what he did. Another thing I dont like, is how the MC dosent have a freaking back bone lol. He just allows a stranger to come and "protect" him because his father says so. And the ML is just a complete asshole who just pushes him around and plays dumb ass mind games all the time. Not to mention the ML is a gangster who works directly under the MC's father, who the MC has been trying not to associate himself with for his entire life.... It rly dosent make that much sense lol. Dont even get me started on the bum ass side story. Like i get the're not gonna be lovey dovey but, I feel like that scene would have been recieved better if it wasent their first time together, or you know, if the ML wasent being all rapey

Mcoll0 created a topic of Moretones

Warning, this is about to be a long ass rant lol

This story, to say the least, was literal ass. You know when you're watching something horrible happen, but you just cant look away... thats what this is lol. And Of course this is the same person who wrote that creepy ass pufferfish/dolphin story...

Child abuse, rape, mental illness, these are very serious topics, and ive read other amazing stories that touch on these topics and handle them correctly... this is not one of those stories.

Everyone one in this story is fucked up and insane. The MC, the ML, the uncle , the uncles bf, the parents of the MC. Everyone, just crazy af. The ML literally needs to be put in a psyc ward forever... like for rest of his life lol. And the MC shouldent be far behind. because why are you constantly going back to a psyco kid that constantly rapes and harasses you???? Like i get its for the plot, but damn, make it make sense at least.

And then the ML randomly gets his legs cut off????? wtffff???

Chile anyways... I get that everything on this site is fiction BUT if you're going to write on serious topics like Child abuse, rape, mental illness and you want the characters to have a happy ending... don't make the character doing the abuse be apart of the happy ending.

1/5 stars

Mcoll0 created a topic of Paper Flower

Absolute DOG SHIT! This story is about a naive boy (borderline retar*ed), who "falls in love" with a cruel evil crazy rapist. Yes I know this is fiction, but I literally have no clue how this is labeled as "romance" and a "must read". its literally just sexual assault and a abusive power dynamic. the mc is so naive to the point where you may think he actually has a mental disability or has the mental capacity of an ACTUAL CHILD. either way this story is horrible, and im so confused how this story has and 8.8 lol .Yall need to stop hyping dumb shit like this up so we can get actual angst stories and not weird bs like this

Mcoll0 add manga to list list

Working at a ski resort to pay off his debts, Yu-wol's hand was hurt accidentally when an unfam...

  • Author: DO.D
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Webtoons
Mcoll0 created a topic of Sura's Lover