What a sweet, funny ,heartwarming and romantic story. Kotaru was such an innocent and funny cutie pie. His love was so pure, honest and strong.
I died at the two bodyguards of Kotaru's always nearby, ready to protect kotaru's ass (literally) from the perverted uncle. They were hilarious.
I really enjoyed this manga. If you want a funny, fluffy, romantic and cute story, this is it.
Oh my God this story! Since there are many comments here that eloquently describe why someone should read this beautiful manga, i'm not going to add much. Only i have to say that thank God that Shoji is back so he can make plenty of hotcakes and feed Niki. If i had to read one more page with Niki suffering and getting skinnier, i would have started sobbing like crazy. Finally my heart is at peace.
Oh my God with the "Slut shaming is bad" brigade. Give us a break already. What kind of tongue and thought policing is this? Do you want to fuck around, go ahead. Fuck all you want. But don't be mad if someone is not into that kind of lifestyle, doesn't understand it or doesn't want to have anything to do with people that chose to sleep around. No one has the right to impose to you what you choose to do in your bed ,like you have not the right to impose on people what they find attractive, what they like or don't like or what they can say or not.
And if someone wants to use the word SLUT to describe a character, A FICTIONAL CHARACTER, they have every right to do so. If you get triggered, get a thicker skin.No one has to bite their tongue in order not to hurt your sensitivities or your inability to handle WORDS.
Not everyone is into promiscuous characters and have every right to express their opinion, as you have the right to express yours. That doesn't make you right or wrong or morally superior to some others who don't like particular traits in characters that they read. So don't try to SHAME others into silence because they think, feel and want other things in the genres that they read.
I find it funny that under a medium full of butt fucking and dick sucking we have the PC police screaming STOP SLUT SHAMING because apparently a fictional character might get depressed or die from it! Jesus!
As for this manga, i didn't like any of the main characters because, wait for it..... THEY WERE BOTH SLUTS and immature. Now thumb me down. Hurray for freedom of speech!
Now, in a calmer and i hope more rational tone, the reason why i didn't like this story was because it was like watching a child, since the mangaka desided to make uke so innocent and cute looking , being cheap and crude. I don't know how to express it but It left a really bad taste in my mouth. I don't think i would have mind uke's promiscuity so much if he was older or maturer.
Personally, I don't expect evey uke's ass to be ass virgin as the finest olive oil, it doesn't happen in real life and people have all kind of needs, i understand that, though that kind of promiscuous style is not my cup of tea. But the fact that the mangaka decided to show the uke having graphic sex with other people and treating sex so cheaply, it bothered and mostly because lots of times the person that the uke claimed was in love with, was waiting for him to finish doing other guys. That is cheap man and totally of putting. No wonder the seme didn't want to have anything to do with a person who treated sex like a happy mac meal. (Though the seme was not an angel himsel) And that was one of the reason why i didn't sympathize with the uke being hurt when the seme told him that he didn't want to have anything to do with a guy like him. Every choice and action has it's consequences. And one of the consequences of being as promiscuous as the uke in this manga was, is that other people might not consider you as a serious future partner. (That goes for the seme also by the way)
It's actually really funny and incredibly ironic that you did this whole rant to say that "PC Police" can't tell people not to slut shame or can't tell people to like a "promiscuous" lifestyle, and yet you're doing exactly that. As in, while you're saying chaste people have the right to look down on promiscuous people and you're pushing your own beliefs on people in a huge rant, you're conversely saying that it's not okay for promiscuous people to do that exact thing. You're being really hypocritical, and acting like more of a PC Police than anyone.
Also, i dont understand this whole "treating sex cheaply" somehow equating to not being serious. What a person does when they're NOT in a relationship has no bearing on how they would be in a serious relationship with someone they love? Literally had this argument just a few days ago with someone who claims that women who have a high body count = more likely to cheat. This is totally unsubstantiated and just a product of the massive double standards present all over the world. People like you have the tendency to say they hate uke that sleeps around, and yet wouldn't say the same for seme. And seme has no right to judge uke for his sex habits when they weren't in a relationship?? He wasn't cheating on him, and even if he claimed to love him already, it was unrequited at the time; was he somehow bound to a life of abstinence because the person he loves doesn't love him back? That's really hypocritical thinking, especially if seme had "normal" sex habits at the time, you'd say that it's okay because he wasn't aware of uke's feelings or didn't have feelings for uke so no harm done.
END rant. And pls don't @ me
Starting from the obvious, someone can not but comment on how exceptional the art of the mangaka is. Its pure visual delight. Coming to the story, i found all of them pretty interesting but the second one and the "Last kiss'' really twinged my heart. I felt so sorry for the mature guy in the second story. It must be heartbreaking to be cheated or not be wanted anymore and learn in such a sudden way.
As for the "Last Kiss" chapter, i'm happy that the two of them will continue to be friends and love each other, even if not in the way that they would probably want. You can see the yearning for each other but you can also see the love for their family.
All in all, one of the better mangas that i have read. Mature, realistic and beautifully designed.