Gangstalicious created a topic of Fate Mate

I was hoping he wasn't an omega but I'll still read it either way

Gangstalicious created a topic of Doggy Stepdaddy

yall why is this on here and can we report it because I sick of hearing about this authors work

Gangstalicious answered question about swimming
Honestly, you might want to see why you feel that way meaning anything that might have happened in your life or other things that might need to be talked about to a therapist, but honestly having the ability to stop time is cool as hell I'd also use it to fall from a building to it at the right moment.
Gangstalicious answered question about question
Yall should actaully read stuff on here instead of fishing for drama
Gangstalicious answered question about question
am I the only one who doesn't know how to feel about their gender? I often identify with it but hate it sometimes and wish people didn't make assumptions about me. I constantly wish I was someone else. These thoughts cross my mind sometimes I even think about having surgery to remove the unnecessary parts. I tell myself I don't know and stop think......
Gangstalicious created a topic of Perfect Leash

I don't care for revenge plots but get it I guess...

Gangstalicious created a topic of Shitasaki Kara Koi

ngl I was hella confused at first when they were talking about cake and fork jargon

Gangstalicious answered question about question
honestly, I don't know either i have felt some way towards people but I put myself down too fast and block that feeling

that was hot as hell i got distracted and forgot It was her boss

look I'm not going to yuck anyone's yum but this shit is ass

Gangstalicious created a topic of Geolson's Past

literally, I don't even know, but what I do know is I'm not reading this anymore.

Gangstalicious followed question about question

Anybody know a replacement for It hasn't been working for a while and it's the only place that updates certain official tl that aren't up on here or other big sites, that I know of. The only requirement is them updating only official tl, or separating the official from the instant tl very clearly. Fr such a bummer I liked the outli......

29 05,2024
Gangstalicious answered question about question
It's a fucking mess but a quick question like yall think Jayla is being a bully to Biggie? at first, Biggie was the aggressor but then it just took a turn on both sides. Like for real, you can't tell someone you're gonna smack them when you see them and you shouldn't just punch someone that don't wanna fight
Gangstalicious created a topic of Into The Thrill

yall realize the MC has no choice, or did I miss something? the ML is a fucking psycho that's obsessing over him for literally no reason than I can name it is fucking sick

Gangstalicious created a topic of My Dear Fluffy Boy

Furry repersentation???? this is new

Gangstalicious created a topic of ARTS MANZ

can someone tell me if redhead ends up with the mc so I don't waste my time

Gangstalicious answered question about tried to kill yourself
umm child anyways fuck whoever doesn't accept who you are
Gangstalicious answered question about question
Honestly when my friends and I argued it was always over something childish so we either dropped it when we met again or acted like it didn't happen.
Gangstalicious created a topic of Profundis

from the beginning, there is no happy ending for the mc smh I knew from the start it would be nonstop suffering. If he somehow leaves or escapes that would be a miracle.

Gangstalicious answered question about first kiss
always thought it was weird when I saw kids kiss their parents on the lips, but hearing this shit it is wild