Nope's feed

I guessed from the summary and first chapter, but this is basically the story of a mother who gets a second chance at battling post partum depression. It’s amazing how well written this story is to be honest and it so realistic from all the characters’ sides! Like the toxic masculinity is so smooth too that even we just consider it the guys being heartless dicks but it’s obvious that they are just putting up fronts that they believe is right.

It’s so frustrating to read this though in a setting where mental health isn’t considered a real thing. Like SO many times I wanted to grab them by the shoulders, FL included, and shake them screaming “SHE IS SICK. SHE IS S I C K. IT’S NOT HER FAULT GET HER PROPER HELP SHE IS SICK IT’S JUST GONNA GET WORSE!”

Not recognizing her child as her own, getting frustrated while taking care of him, feeling randomly anxious and stressed, lonely, no feeling of love to her child, a dependency on her partner, it’s so so so striking but only to people who actually know what post partum depression is and how super severe it can get. And considering she 1) is limited in her freedom 2) has undergone a lot of stressful events 3) has communication/understanding issues with her husband 4) her husband often leaves for long period, leaving her feeling “abandoned” and 5) she cannot find even proper security in her marriage, the only thing she can lean on, because of the misunderstanding

The saddest saddest thing is how absolutely destroyed both her and ML are because of their confusion on her state. Like he is so confused and trying to help and appease somehow (without admitting his own feelings and battling his own expectation and reality distortion issues) and is hurt by misunderstanding her condition while she repeats so many times that she “doesn’t know” why she’s like this and that “it’s strange”.
It can’t get any clearer bro.

Anyways, all this to say that I really love how absolutely realistic this story is while still have some hella lovable characters

My only fear is that we’ll never have the satisfaction of everyone understanding that she is not at fault and that the guilt is just worsening her depression and emotional detachment from her child—

Like dang... imagine getting severe post partum depression as a teenager... man