Im so impressed by the gall of people complaining about the art like they’re the ones behind the drawing board
The art style is great, the anatomy is good, the colours are immaculate, the style is only slightly different from the start
Either way, whatever your opinion is, the mindset is actually so discouraging
Enjoy your freedom to share your opinion but I genuinely hope the artist stays safe from these types of comments and is able to continue to work comfortably considering their immense task load and how underpaid they probably are
I feel like the grandmother either will be sick or have died or smth and that’s why he couldn’t make it
If that’s what happens I called it, if it isn’t THANK GOD because ╥﹏╥
I actually liked that the date was awkward much more than if it had been sweet and stuff hahaha because they’re still in that weird zone of their relationship where they are learning about each other and where their chemistry is still really awkward. Plus its really sweet to see them both so awkward on a relatable level while obviously (to us) being hella invested.
It’s like a sour candy. You cringe at first but you know you can expect something super sweet soon. Hella excited for when they actually do have good chemistry and a good fluffy date~!
Love how most people still hate Kahol (and lari)
My guess is that whatever the gift is it’s made for women
I don’t even know what to say, this story is just way too good and I’m speechless
What are you doing explaining that’s tuff to us,‘y boi, you should be explaining to your peacock—
The slut shaming was awkward oof
But for when it comes to people saying “he can do it with whoever he wants, he isn’t dating anyone”, the reason why it’s frustrating/painful is because they are having a “moment”. Basically imagine being on the “flirt” zone with a guy (or girl) to whom you just confessed and they reciprocate and come onto you too but then they go and sleep with someone else. It’s like “well guess you just don’t care about me then”.
If the person is courting me or reciprocating my courting, I hope for heck that they don’t go look for someone else in the process just because they are bored and horney. Anyways that’s not the type of person I want to date and have by my side. Too hard to trust.
I love how they included everyone at the bar staring and eating melon seeds hahahaha
I think the reason why the smut was “boring” was because it lacked any true emotional interaction. There was little dialogue in between them but mainly there was no effect that shows a relationship (for example, a slower pace and deeper focus for specific important actions that define the relationship -like kissing-). Also there is simply just a big lack of facial expression which makes it hard to read the characters and empathize with them.
Basically we feel like a third party watching a quickie.
Am I the only one who feels really bad for Jeha? I personally just hope he finally gets a break and a healthy relationship and is finally no longer oppressed by his stoopid family.
In case you are unaware of how Chinese adaptations usually look like in the BL world, here is a scale for you:
#1: Novels
If your story has a novel adaptation, then you’re in luck. Novels are usually very straightforward in their BL-ness. If you’re even more lucky and that is your style, your story might even be a yaoi and have some hot scenes (sometimes however you can find some authors talking about how they have to abide by the censorship rules).
#2: Manhua
If your story has a manhua adaptation, then you’re closer to a hit or miss, but the romance is still explicit. In average, your stories’ kiss and softcore scenes will be reduced and censored. Also forget the smut like it never existed. The fluff is still tasty and the couple is still a couple (usually).
#3: Donghua (animation)
If your story has a donghua animation, first of all, congratulation, you’ll finally see the cuties move! Sad news is that your romance has a high risk of becoming a bromance. The romance is thinned out until it becomes a relationship that can be interpreted with our without deeper meaning. Forget kisses except sometimes if it’s part of a gag or an important scene for the story.
#4: Drama
If you’re story is still your story, count yourself lucky. Just kidding, or maybe not. You can usually forget that this story ever had a couple too. If it’s very obviously BL, then you can start sweating buckets because this will most definitely be a bad ending and you’ll need to get the tissues out. China only tolerates ruined homosexual couples, not happy ones.
#5: Audio CD
That’s actually not it’s right position. I just don’t ever listen to audio CDs so I have no clue what they are like— hopefully someone can enlighten you on this in the replies!
NOTE: to know how much chance you have for your story to be more “explicitly” BL, you can check where it’s been published. The closer it is to mainland China, the harsher the censorship. I believe also the censorship response is also dependent on the public’s response to the work. So you can say “how much money” it makes is also another variable.
I personally really enjoy my novels. I know I’m usually getting what I’m asking for (and usual novels are the first adaptation so it’s never comparable and disappointing).
Hope this helped!
Omg I didn’t expect this to be so good and wholesome
*applauding because I’m glad it’s not a love triangle coz that shit awkward”*
Tbh even if it was the fact that it is/would be obvious that Alex is the main guy makes it a lot easier on the brain
Man I just don’t like love triangles oof
Oof I friggin love the duke— he’s got some gentle bear vibes and I’m here for it
How are they so wholesome and how the hell does this story make me both want to protect and kill some characters to the extreme—
Also if anyone could recommend to me any story where main couple is extra healthy/wholesome but the people around them are the azsholes it would be appreciated!
Yeo Dam basically traumatized him into paranoia without knowing it oof—
Actually twice lol, one because of the food and being terrified at the mention of him skipping meals and two because of the fear of losing points and constantly worrying.
But tbh considering what he made him go through I am not feeling bad much oop