It takes place during the Showa Era in Japan. The story revolves around a young man who has lost bot...

  • Author: psyche delico
  • Genres: Drama / Psychological / Tragedy / Yaoi

Video store clerk Amamiya Shouta has a unrequited crush on salaryman Shiraishi, but has sex with fel...

  • Author: Kyuugou
  • Genres: Drama / Mature / One Shot / Yaoi


  • Author: Akabeko
  • Genres: Yaoi / Mature
synfull answered question about lmao
As someone with a history of sex work, its not worth it...
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I love blood....not period blood tho....

Hitoshi Arai is just an average college student with a mediocre life. During high school, he was bul...

  • Author: ASADA Nemui
  • Genres: Adult / Yaoi

Kim Dohyun, 28, is stuck in an dead-end job and with almost no money to his name. When he suddenly g...

  • Author: Team Killerwhale
  • Genres: Drama / Yaoi / Mature / Psychological / Webtoons
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synfull answered question about dick in my mouth
Y'all can look at Mr. Crazy Eyes on a different site...not here...go on or something
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Any yaoi where the seme forces the uke to give blowjob because he's angry or forces the uke to swallow.
Would be a plus if it's uke first time giving BJ.PLS HELP TY ~

Ppl don't seem to realize smth here while saying Kyungsoo is an idiot for showing the baby to the grandma. Do y'all honestly think if Chungsoo REALLY wanted his family off the map, he couldn't take appropriate measures to make it happen? The real issue still is the lack of mutual understanding and the source of all the issues between them: parents became overcontrolling, Chowoon said 'Fuck it I'm gonna rebel!' and no one understood no one. And lol Chowoon's actions speak so loud and clear: he wanted his mother to fucking understand he's independent and doesn't want any unnecessary controlling in his life, so he still had hope to reconcile with them! Otherwise he would have gone downstairs, snatch the baby away and file for a divorce lol. It's not so hard to do the math -.- Often ppl do one thing and want another, and if lucky, their spouse is sharp and brave enough to help them. Is he an idiot? Yes. Did he help them better their relationship? Very probably yes! Will this solve everything? Obviously no, but if they want a fresh start, both parties, no one has the right to judge them! Everyone should fucking mind their own business lol smh.

synfull created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

If that hoe doesn't get her talons away from that baby's eyes...


  • Author: Kyouichi
  • Genres: Shounen Ai