No matter how good your intention is , you should just stop it. Its not your business and Mr. Kwon never REQUESTED for u to sign him up to any dating sites. So what u are doing is invasion of his privacy, you are basically spreading his information across the internet.
And your intention is not even a GOOD INTENTION, its just being a gossipy bitch who could not stop themselves for minding other people's business. Just Fucck Off
When I was 8 my mother passed a way, i turned 9 and just like 2 months passed, I didn't know any better and was hoping my mom would come back u know, early morning I had to start to wash up to go to school, my aunty called my cousins to eat, but I'm sad, i missed my mother, a couple moment my aunty started shouting at me, thrown the glass mug near my foot and shouted at me saying that 'if i dont wanna eat with my cousins which is her grandson and granddaughter, I shoukd just told her instead of showing poker face....
I just turned 9 then but that incident never left my memory until now....
I'm a victim, I was a teenager, a high schooler, was almost raped by my neighbor who my father considered as a little brother, told my father's sister about it cause I expected something for her, was told that I should not joke about such incident, and told that i must be just dreaming (I wish I WAS) took a couple of months and continue going to school with panic attacks and anxiety ( i didn't even know I have panic attack) had a courage told what happened to someone I considered my friend in highschool, THEY comforted me, I cried but after a week, what happened to me spread out to my classmate, I was then left out, was called names "slut, whore"
A year then, I got the courage again and this time I told my sister, I told her everything but she got angry at me and shouted at me, told my second sister yet she was not listening and the whole time I was telling her, she was on her phone.
And let u guys now, I didn't get to tell my father and brother. Why? My father is an alcoholic, he gets angry, he blames me for what my siblings did when I'm not even my sibling. I was called a slut for wearing a short that was below the knee only by my brother. I'm scared to my brother up until now xause he is violent, he beats up his wife when he gets drunk, he shouts and In my whole life, I've never been comfortable with him. Just talking to him scares me, loud noises scares me due to my family shouting.
Istarted working 2022 of November, I stopped going to school, can't pay the tuition, i worked and worked while being treated as a trash at work, good thing my contract with them ended sooner, applied to another company got hired, got in training passed the training, was sent to production, was felt up by my co worker, was asked by a guy co worker if I'm a virgin. Got called dumb cause most of the times, when they talk about things I dont know it or like i dont know the trends, got called dumb cause sometimes they speak about like a story and i don't really know the story.
I took the time to write almost everything but these days, I feel like i dont know anymore...when i started working, my other sibling started pushing all responsibilities to me, I had to pay electricity, water bill, food and i still had to give my father allowance.
My salary was like 300$- 350$, when I go to work, I most of the time will not eat to save up money, cause my transportation is costly, house rent is costly. With the salary I had back then, it was not enough, I tried asking my siblings for help but Its either im left on read or just ignored.... I
I'm 21 turning 22 in December, I am scared of loud noises, scarec when touched even just a bare tap in the shoulder, and I'm so jealous of the people of my age whe atleast get to have money to spend for themselves and family that is so good to them....
I do my best but its like not enough, its barely enough..... I want to live too .
Omg these people are disgusting, I’m sorry all this shit happened to, and that this is the sad reality for most women and rape victims. Being treated like sluts, people blaming everything on you, being sexual used by men, it’s all terrible. I hope you cut ties with your family, stop giving them money, and stop interacting with them because they clearly only cause more harm than anything else. You could also call the police on your brother for hitting his wife, but I’m honestly not that trusting of police to do anything though… I really hope your situation gets better<3
hey, I don't know if this is what you need to hear or want to hear. But I want to let you know that things get better, keep trying to find help, Even if it seems hard, push through. Everything will seem difficult, everything will seem pointless, and it probably hurt even more. BUT always pick your self up. Never give up just because people are trying to push you down, it might take a long time and you can take breaks.
Hello, thank you so much for your kind words.. to be honest, when I wrote that meessage last time, it was abrupt.. I don't have friends that I can talk too nor do i have a family member i can ask help as well, Since my mom died, I'm alone, was blamed for everything. My father would say things like 'if I was not born, he would be living good' or like I was not supposed to be born but somehow he got my mom pregnant thats why I'm alive....
Its really toxica here, i never asked to be born as well but I cant talked back to them.. I never tried talking back to anyone cause I'm scared that I'll get beaten up. I never speak up to my brother either cause I know... Knowing him, I know that he can beat me..
Thank you so much again for being kind and for your advices, I will try to continue living and hopefully things will do get better..
Thank you
I was coming here for this but Im glad someone already brought this up.
I really hope the owners are planning something in case something happens to mangago.
Im mainly worried a bunch of mangas which never had a english or online release will go missing if here or some of these other sites go down (they act sort of as a archive)
Its always Korea and webtoons man
Girl, your issue with your parent and being homophobic is a completely different thing. And Everyone always been different, that applies with man and women. Not because a woman likes to dance doesn't mean you will too, you could enjoy writing or singing or whatever that's the same with how a person will like and love someone, when a man loves another man its alright because being a man doesn't mean you have to love a woman. If they don't like it, they don't. Don't push it. And HE DID NOT ASK FOR YOUR OPINION ABOUT HIS LOVELIFE NOR ASK YOUR APPROVAL. THE FUCK
If I was inside the story, I would have beat yo ass