Spoiler for chapters 38-39
Sorry this is so long
38 - Yeonwoo sees a photo of Keith kissing another man and decides he has to leave because he believes Keith is living a happy life without him. He gets so stressed about it that he falls sick with a fever. Dane takes care of him while he’s sick but before Yeonwoo falls asleep Dane says what might be confession but stops himself. Later Dane leaves to get Food and while he’s out Yeonwoo hears knocking on the door. Thinking it’s Dane he opens the door and it’s Keith.
39- Keith comes into the house. Yeonwoo tries to get away but Keith is releasing his pheromones so he can’t move. Yeonwoo gets mad and tells him he promised not use his pheromones like that anymore. Keith asks why he’s even worried since he’s the only one they will ever effect. Keith confronts Yeonwoo about marking him without his consent and claiming he knew nothing. He is really upset Yeonwoo abandoned him after sleeping with him. He tells Yeonwoo he will never be able to leave him because he is his omega. Keith bites him but the mark doesn’t take and it distress Keith. It turns out alpha bites are useless. They disappear and can easily be replaced by another alpha. omegas are the only ones that can bind an alpha to them with a mark. Keith tells Yeonwoo that he hasn’t been with anyone since he disappeared (yeonwoo thinks it’s because of the mark) he tried sleeping with other male omegas to prove wether or not Yeonwoo is special and that his feelings for him were real. Keith takes Yeonwoo to the car and they run into Dane who gets into an argument with Keith. Keith threatens to kill Dane but admits he won’t because he doesn’t want to lose Yeonwoo’s affection. They drive off but Yeonwoo realizes the threat wasn’t really for Dane so much as it was for him. If he were ever to try and escape again Keith would kill all those around him.

I read them in Spanish here
And here is the Chinese trans too
Bro why delete the previous chapters especially when the translation was great