kuriglavo April 12, 2024 8:27 am

idk who does the genres but this is absolutely a psychological BL and should be tagged as such. top is a straight up psycho holy shit

kuriglavo April 12, 2024 8:04 am

at the end of the day, it’s an omegaverse BL, which have never been very good about depicting realistic consent in healthy relationships. being mad at ash or is just the surface level tbh. what yall should really be asking is why the author thinks sex scenes are more attractive when one participant is constantly saying no than when everyone is enthusiastically consenting.

i think a lot of this could’ve been avoided with actual good BDSM etiquette, and being set in omegaverse isn’t an excuse. carlyle could’ve been properly informed about the risks of ash’s rut, and given some kind of suppressant or escape in case he retracted his consent. the fact that he wasn’t is a choice the author made to make the noncon more realistic, which is just so baffling and aggravating to me.

    satan's spinach lover April 12, 2024 8:19 am

    I 100% agree, i couldn’t rlly enjoy the chapters bc lyle was in pain ik most authors perceive ruts as this period of like no consent…but i was hoping w this author it’d be a little different, yk less generic and rapey. ik everyone was raving about ash’s dominance in these chapters but my baby lyle was hurt

    SIOPRO April 12, 2024 1:32 pm

    I personally think that no “bdsm etiquette” is needed. You’re right, I found Ash a bit odd here. I did not like how ash made lyle release in that weird manner which lyle had said he did not like. That was something he had NOT CONSENTED TO. Other than that, everything was consensual. Sorry to rub it in your face but if you put up a contract, the other end very desperate and you maintain the contract for a few days and say “oh sorry too much can’t do it” when the contract had heavily emphasised on the fact that it’s risky and you can’t back down in less than a year; the only deserving is being forced to do so. It’s true, Lyle could’ve given him a break. Omegaverse is a trash genre, imo, this is the second omega verse I’ve read, and this is the only omegaverse I’ve liked. It’s normalised inhuman and animalistic qualities which I feel like blankets fetishes. But this one had none, except two or three here and there. If you think it’s “non con rapey stuff” I’m so sorry to break it to you, this was 10 chapters, you could have skipped it? Why read all of it and say “nah, could’ve been better”

    SIOPRO April 12, 2024 1:42 pm

    Also, about the “enthusiastic consent”, that would completely break apart lyle’s character. He’s stiff and can barely process or even show emotions. He’s confused himself which is SO VERY CLEAR every chapter. The characterisation, the feeling of love and the plot in general is so beautifully shown in an omegaverse that I really have no complains. Lyle isn’t someone who knows how to BREAK boundaries, he only knows how to make them. He cannot even speak for himself, he cannot basically look after himself properly at all. Ash on the other hand is one of the most caring person I’ve ever seen in an omegaverse plot. It’s like a switch in their character, Lyle being more like ash whilst ash being more like lyle these chapters. You’re right, it’s great to have characters enthusiastically consent, but there are deeper plots, there are deeper subjects, and some people can be confused, sad or angry; and actions depend on that emotion. Not all the time would consent be “let’s have sex and I’ll be acting very happy during it”. They can be confused about their decision, they can be upset about it too, they can be weirded out by it too. Sometimes they want to stop actually, but then there are times they are CONFUSED. In this specific place, lyle is clearly CONFUSED. He would’ve imo be fine with both stopping and going on. It simply took a toll on his physical health.

    satan's spinach lover April 12, 2024 2:24 pm
    I personally think that no “bdsm etiquette” is needed. You’re right, I found Ash a bit odd here. I did not like how ash made lyle release in that weird manner which lyle had said he did not like. That was... SIOPRO

    bro its just a hint of criticism whats the big deal? some people liked the intesne non con some didnt like it

    satan's spinach lover April 12, 2024 2:26 pm
    bro its just a hint of criticism whats the big deal? some people liked the intesne non con some didnt like it satan's spinach lover

    criticism and their opinion. they read it bc they obv like the story. some great stories have flaws thats ok

    SIOPRO April 12, 2024 5:11 pm
    criticism and their opinion. they read it bc they obv like the story. some great stories have flaws thats ok satan's spinach lover

    Of course. It’s for the public to view and comments. You critiqued, I did take it into consideration but I put out my thoughts too.

    kuriglavo April 13, 2024 5:35 am
    Also, about the “enthusiastic consent”, that would completely break apart lyle’s character. He’s stiff and can barely process or even show emotions. He’s confused himself which is SO VERY CLEAR every ... SIOPRO

    (replying to both comments) yeah maybe BDSM etiquette is the wrong phrase; i meant more like the proper context for consent. however, saying someone deserves to be forced to have sex is a bit deranged. saying it’s risky is not actually informing lyle of the risks. i still read it because i like the story, but i’m disappointed that the author choose to make the situation so ambiguous.

    lyle is constantly unsure about whether he likes and wants things, but imo “this is strange, i don't know if i like this” is what u say when ur unsure, not “this is strange, please stop i don’t want this”. also, ash in rut wouldn’t respect if lyle didn't want to continue, and lyle had no way of stopping him. it didn’t matter whether lyle was enthusiastically consenting, confused, or genuinely wanted our because the sex would continue anyway. this illusion of consent is a situation the author put them in, and it’s why people had more issues with this than any other scene where lyle was unsure

    SIOPRO April 13, 2024 6:14 am
    (replying to both comments) yeah maybe BDSM etiquette is the wrong phrase; i meant more like the proper context for consent. however, saying someone deserves to be forced to have sex is a bit deranged. saying i... kuriglavo

    My apologies, I shouldn’t have said they deserved to be forced to have sex. In all honesty that wasn’t what I meant, but to only blame Ash in this situation had pissed me off. Yes lyle wasn’t informed of the risks, but I think he’s known ash for quite some time to know what he’s capable of. Yes, his rut went on for three days where lyle thought it would go on for a day, but he literally gave up after one round. It could’ve been better if they spoke out before about the “ruts” they go through before this encounter but I think it played out smoothly because taking in consideration of lyle’s character, they barely communicate. The author decided to blur the consent in here, and trust me after dwelling into bls I’ve seen these bullshit a lot, but the thing is, the author made BOTH of their actions SHIT for sex. If seen very realistically, lyle would’ve been traumatised but no he seems to have no mental problems. And even more realistically lyle shouldn’t have been so eager to help him when he KNEW what he was dealing with because as I said, he gave up in one round. But then again, he mentioned how ash would continue having sex with him even after he was tired and wanted to stop which he had no problems of and in fact seemed eager, I think it’s the problem of both here, to depict lyle in this manner and to change ash’s characteristics completely. Personally, the sex was downright bad which ruined the character building; besides the art, but simply blaming ash is also enraging me.

kuriglavo April 12, 2024 7:21 am

y’all complaining about why they don’t just switch are forgetting one crucial thing, which is that they are both stupid. there’s like an 80% chance they didn’t even realize switching positions is possible lmfao

kuriglavo April 2, 2024 8:11 am

at this point i genuinely believe bl artists don’t think it’s possible to do these alpha-to-omega type transformations without SA or some other nonconsensual nonsense. like there’s so many concepts and tropes to explore and yet they come back to rape time and time again, like moths to a flame.

like imagine if the ML just screwed with MC by not showing at the mafia meeting (what ever happen to that plot line btw??). u could have MC be a recessive omega who only presents when his soulmate (ML) goes into rut. u could have him dosed by an outside party and ML helps him through his heat. MC could even take the medication on his own accord bc he wants to match the long lost love he’s spent his whole life looking for, maybe even to have kids.

but no. it’s gratuitous, unnecessary rape scenes. bc of course it is.

    ilovestarfish April 2, 2024 11:13 am

    100% agree the plot does not exist and its boring asl,its a shame too bc the art style is pretty good

kuriglavo March 27, 2024 4:25 am

the snakebite piercings are a lovely touch

kuriglavo March 27, 2024 4:03 am

what happened to hello? how are you? my name is?

kuriglavo February 11, 2024 4:48 pm

everyone is alive and fine, the prince gets crowned as king, and both their kids are healthy. i think they either have twins or have a third child who is seth’s heir (sorry my spanish isn’t great) they do have reunion sex tho!!

kuriglavo January 14, 2024 3:17 pm

if i was callion? fuck theo, seth can have him, who cares. there’s a fine ass widowed milf RIGHT THERE like damn mama does ur son need a new stepdad?

kuriglavo January 10, 2024 1:43 am

that baby look just like her damn daddy lol

kuriglavo December 10, 2023 5:10 am

i’ve never seen a 2nd ML who has 2nd ML’d quite this hard before. he genuinely respects her and supports her even when he doesn’t understand what she’s doing. i want her to choose him soooo bad y’all.

but NOOO we have pos crown prince who literally beat agni nearly to death just for being her friend. and now her hearts fluttering bc he said he wouldn’t execute her? girl let’s can bffr….

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