the sibling dynamic between carl and aria is peak and the writing would be much better if the other characters also had unique platonic relationships with cass. leo wanting to be the favorite little brother, raynor classic shonen idol-to-rival, this sigmund dude as an estranged childhood friend, etc. the reverse harem they're hamfisting down our throats is actively making the characterization worse

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that short, frail build on a character is almost always a pdfbait red flag. but i thought oh hey, MC is very clearly an adult who has an adult job and does adult things. let’s give it a chance.
it’s one thing for MC to get amnesia. but the blood, the toys and pajamas, the teary-eyed naïveté, the guy can’t even speak lol. idk if the author could make it any more obvious they’re a kiddy diddler. check that sicko’s hard drive ASAP
the only way this could be redeemed is if the king was portrayed as the villain for taking advantage of MC, but i won’t hold my fucking breath.

on one hand, i hate more than anything when alpha/alpha BLs chicken out and fall over themselves trying to make one of them an omega as soon as possible.
on the other hand, it’s said that there’s no greater compliment to a fictional man than to want to see them pregnant. and god do i love that morally dubious, probably sociopathic weirdo brett with all my heart.
It’s so absurdly funny because they’ve never kissed onscreen. and the censorship is supposed to be protecting ppl from seeing any sexual content. but. like. Look at them wtf else are they doing