back and forth really occurs in this. "how can you be so sure of yourself" I basically what I got. Life is so unreassuring and unpredictable. Then again you really don't need to think to hard on matters and just do anything and everything whenever you want. That's my philosophy. Here we got this girl who is hard ass who thinks long term and is rasional and the guy who is unknowledgeable and has that kid like mentality. From the time when he asked why did those people grave rob those sacred rocks and he simplified the solutions to their problems like of course you could use say that but when people know there's a short cut to the place they need to go what would they most likely take, the long path still get there but more time and effort or the short hmm. ps. don't come for me all I did voice my opinion.
ok I'm just now realizing this now but I love this so much than any other manga. It's not a matter of the MC anymore it's the actions, characters, ART, everything is what I look forward to when a new chap. comes out. I want to express my gratitude that the chapters are continuing and keep me on toes. Makes me wanting more ヾ(☆▽☆)
what in the tom fuckary is that ending!? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)