the story is realistic... I love the ending I now get what it means. Eren gave his friends long existences and I am pretty sure this is like 100+ in the future on the last page...
omg I saw that cheese grew he is soooo hot... I saw some ummm shin and cheese kkii s ummm they artrfffffffw toooooggggttthhher
Is shin still the top tho?
Can someone know the links to the raws I wanna buy some of the chapters
Happy late birthday yechan!!
Should I read It?
absolutely great choice for you who seek angst
Hey.. did I saw a dick like uncensored... wow
Ikr. It was flacid. They kept the lightsabers for non-flacid dick as if there's a difference at this point ( ̄--- ̄)
Bai kissing little swan head ;))
If you have permission to.. do not continue:( it would be sad the legal web would be noticed more than the official web..
You mean illegal web?
is this BL?
the story is realistic... I love the ending I now get what it means. Eren gave his friends long existences and I am pretty sure this is like 100+ in the future on the last page...