I think Eunsoo responding does not equate to going back into that toxic relationship he previously had, I seriously hope it meant for looking for closure because honestly, a bad break-up lingers (varies on people) and it needed a peace of mind in order to open up a new door for someone. I mean you could be in another again but you know, there's inhibition and it might cause problems in the end. I just hope and really wish for Eunsoo to make decisions meant for himself, and for his betterment, without regarding someone because he must love himself first before anyone else and kudos to his bestfriend please, I love him~

I think IOI experienced a similar situation where their supposed debut song was replaced by a song made by a company relative. It actually made a fuss and they didn't do well as expected by the public.
On the other hand, I was actually laughing when they started talking back with the producers or whoever they are because I don't think idols from survival shows would be brave enough to do so, they must be really confident in their popularity or they must have had a strong family background to be able to do so. Mind you, the dirt within the entertainment industry is pretty strong, just one retaliation against a producer or a certain someone and your career would be doomed. Although it's not impossible because Kang Daniel made it so goodluck to these 2 kids hahaha I really love their group name and hoping they'll walk the flowery path~

heejoo may come off like she's meddling but she's just doing what a normal family member would do since they tamed jooheon already (seriously). in this case, i think it really is taeyang who's gonna make the decision and i want them to be honest with her because a child would question why does she only have a single parent and if they tell her about kang, she should have known why it lead that way, although not to the point where it'd hurt her, it's still too early to expose kang's stupidity because his suffering is too miniscule lol it doesn't sound right and now they're wanting to give him a pity party
Can you guys recommend me another story about farming like this? This is so lit and cute
I don't think I've found any story quite like this one tbh but I have a list of similar style as this if u wanna check it out
(not farming, similar feels to this one)
But honestly out of these type of stories Solo Farming is my favorite
No wonder this is the first one I've seen of farming so far and it was the best as well. Anyways thanks for the list! Will check it out!
I have this on my library as well. Lemme start reading this tho haha