im here to eat dog food's feed

currently on ch.6... i dropped this before bc of updates but when i reread it again i noticed how annoyed i am to dorothy i mean her feelings are validdd but isnt she an idiot??? whats wrong with u showing something like that to theon? andd why is he not shocked that she knows his name with such an expression??? my poor ray have no faults but she keep crashing out to him when she should know what to feel because its already her second life. he's a child for goodness sake while her is already an adult mentally! thats it, regardless, im not invalidating her feelings but she should consider her actions if she wants to be better on this life. (● ̄(エ) ̄●) and yesh, the two children have absolutely no faults why did they end up like that. the emperor should take all the blame for having a favoritism. if Dorothy wants to be good then focus on your happiness, don't be good for the sake of others or so theon could fall in love with you. live the best of your life away from them