Ryushen (Midori) liker's experience ( All 1 )

There are too many cases where people have uploaded chapters with very terrible translations, from very obvious google translations to even removing lines or making things up when the translator probably didn't know what the line meant. this can have serious consequences and can do a lot more harm than help. While the consequences are far worse whe......   reply
16 07,2021

Ryushen (Midori) liker's answer ( All 26 )

about question
I think the only real need to know is whether you're over 18 or under 18 because people can get in legal trouble for mild behaviour towards a minor if they are an adult that would not be an issue if it was between consenting adults because minors can't consent to certain things under protection laws Aside from that, you aren't entitled to any info......   reply
26 days
about question
they are though. you probably notice them less because 1)they wouldnt have any of those complaints in english because it's a korean site and im pretty sure a lot of non-korean people taking part in the drama can't read korean. unless you go through every tweet it's easy to skim past things you don't understand. 2) it's easier to deal with them with......   reply
24 07,2021
about question
amateur at translating is fine, but please make sure whoever you recruit has a decent understanding of JP and doesn't heavily rely on machine translations. mistranslations can have serious effects that can make a character seem more negative or an awful person when the actual line was harmless. the seriousness varies depending on the mistake, but i......   2 reply
16 07,2021
about question
Just wanted to thank you first for being polite and not trying to justify how authors shouldn't be complaining about their works being uploaded illegally or acting like you have the right to read comics. It's because they happen to be finding the site now. It didn't HAVE to be now but it just happen to be now since t's a lot easier to find them n......   2 reply
16 07,2021
Changing the skin colour of an asian character (often east asian) to imitate another race (often black) is just as bad as white washing. you do realize that light skinned asians are still POC right? just because our skin colour happens to be closer to caucasians does not mean we get white privilege and surprise surprise, we dont. model minority ste......   2 reply
14 07,2021

Ryushen (Midori) liker's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did crying

I just lost someone. And it hurts to realize I'm not seeing that person anymore.

32 minutes
did finding good song

been listening to mizisua cover nonstop since it dropped <3

3 hours
want to do break old habits

I would like to stop judging cringy people. to be cringe is to be free, they say.

5 hours