Ryushen (Midori) liker's feed

First of all, that only applies for people UNDER THE AGE OF 18, and people can and do still go to jail if the prosecutor deems them having intercourse with someone of an inappropriate age. Second of all, that is a NATIONAL law and PREFECTURES HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE IT for their area. And they do for the most part. The only ones that don't are the ones that want to keep a "low crime rate" which is stupid but doesn't reflect the majority of the country. Legal efforts on r@pe crime prevention and help may be awful in the country (it is) but it doesn't mean that there are none or that they're as bad as a lot of westerners see it as. Seems like some people have been consuming nsfw anime/manga at an age where one may not be able to distinguish between fiction and reality....Just because there's a lot of nsfw material online doesn't mean that's reflected in their society and normal culture.

Not sure what countries you all are from but in health class they must have taught you the laws on age of consent and it is not solely 18 and under is not allowed. There are exceptions depending on the age gap and it's the same in Japan (the exceptions based on age gap part I mean, not the actual "if the person is X years old and their partner is Y years old that is ok" part).